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I woke up early today because I have a photoshoot that lasts almost the whole day today.

I went to the bathroom and I started to shower.

I realized that I haven't gotten my period in 3 months. I haven't really paid attention because I'm always busy. I've been extremely busy with photoshoots and spending time with the people that I love that I just forgot all about my period.

I tried to think of a reason why I haven't gotten my period then the memories from that morning started flooding in.

I put my head in my hands and balled my eyes out.

What if I'm pregnant and he doesn't want the baby?

Even if he doesn't want it, I do. I'm keeping this baby safe no matter what.

I continued showering and I just couldn't get that thought out of my head.

When I got out of the shower I wrapped myself up in a towel.

I put on an all white romper and I curled my hair.

I grabbed my purse and I put the things that I need in there.

The kids were still sleeping because it's barely 7 am and it's too early for them. Kimetrius is coming soon to take care of the kids while in gone.

I put on some earrings then I grabbed my things and went downstairs.

I heard a knock on the door a couple of minutes later. I open the door and it was Kimetrius. He pulled me in for a hug and he gave me a kiss. He looked down and then back at me. "Can we talk after the shoot?" He asks me.

I could tell that he was nervous. "Yeah, sure." I replied with a reassuring smile. "Okay well I have to get going now."

"Bye baby, drive safe." He said.

"Bye." I said and he gave me one last hug before I left.

I got in my car and waited for the gate to open.

I drive to the building where my shoot is going to be at and I parked.

I got out and went inside. The second I saw her, I got super nervous. It was this one lady that doesn't really like me because of something that happened way back. She's the boss.

She approached me and looked down at my belly. "Ugh, now we have to find a new model." She said. "Hasn't anyone told you that you've already had enough kids. But you keep going from guy to guy, getting pregnant."

"For your information, all of my kids have the same father so don't talk until you get your facts straight. If you don't like how I look then why did you ask me to model for your company?" I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Honey. Do you think anyone will actually believe that all your kids have the same father? Somebody like you can't just have one guy." She said.

"You know what? I'm done with you and your shitty ass company." I said before I grabbed my things and walked out.

I got in my car and I just balled my eyes out. I feel useless. What if people really think of me as a hoe? I don't really care what people think of me but I don't want people to ruin Ki's life too.

I drove home.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't know that there was a car coming in my direction.

I quickly drove and luckily I saved myself.

I continued driving home.

When I got home I parked and I went inside.

The kids weren't up yet because it's 8 am.

Kimetrius quickly wrapped his arms around me when he saw me. "What's wrong?" He asked me.

"Katie, that one annoying ass old lady that owns that one shitty ass company started to argue with me over something." I said and be rolled his eyes.

"I fucking hate that bitch, she always saying shit to you. Don't worry baby girl, whatever she said to you doesn't matter, your life doesn't depend on other people's opinions." He said as he moved my hair out if my face.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked him.

"Um, remember about 3 months ago at that hotel when fucked. I think I got you pregnant." He said, he looked down while he talked.

"I wanted to talk to you about that too. I just realized this morning in the shower that I haven't gotten my period in a while." I said and he smiled.

"So do you want to make an appointment to make sure?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I said and he smiled.

We made an appointment together and we have it tomorrow morning because that's the only time available at the moment.

We started making breakfast for the kids so that breakfast is ready when they wake up.

We made waffles, bacon and sausage.

A couple of minutes after we finished cooking we heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

I saw all three of the kids come running down in their pajamas.

I made a plate for each of us and then I poured some orange juice in cups.

We started eating.

When we finished eating I got the kids ready.

I put some casual clothes on them because we don't really plan on going anywhere special today.

I went downstairs and I sat on the couch next to Kimetrius and all three of the kids followed me.

We decided to watch a movie.

The kids were asking way too many questions in between the movie.

Please Excuse Any Mistakes

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