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1 W E E K L A T E R

K E L A N I 'S P O V

I woke up early today because I have to be in a music video that Cole is directing.

I went to the bathroom and took a long shower. I let the hot water hit my skin before I actually did something productive.

I finished showering and I changed into a white romper and white heels. I brushed my hair and then I straightened it because it was so fucking messy.

I started to make breakfast while the kids played. Then Khloe wanted me to play with her but I couldn't because I was cooking so she threw a fit.

Khleo was just making fun of her for crying which made her cry even more. Gabe was playing with his toys cars in the play room.

To be honest Gabe is the calmest child out of all of them.

I made chocolate chip pancakes with bacon on the side.

They started to eat and so did I.

I packed a bag for them because they each like carrying around little backpacks.

We got in the car and I drive to the hotel where we're going to be shooting part of the video.

I got out of the car with the kids and Cole's girlfriend took them an she could play with them.

I got in the elevator and want to room 621. I knocked on the door and waited for Cole to open the door.

I had to our on a red bra that literally showed everything and a thong that matched.

I went to the makeup room so that the lady could do my makeup.

I had a robe on so nobody saw anything. And I'm thankful for that.

I heard the guy that I was going to be doing the video with come in but I didn't bother to look up. I was on my phone looking through Instagram.

When they were done I had to wait a little because the guy that I'm shooting the video with isn't ready yet.

I was on my phone when Cole tapped me on the shoulder.


The girl that I'm shooting the video with had her back facing me and just by seeing her body I knew she was hot as fuck.

Who else can have perfect curves? Nobody.

I'm ready for a new girlfriend even though I just broke up with someone 3 days ago.

K E L A N I 'S P O V

I turned around and when I saw the guy I literally froze.

It was Kimetrius, GREAT.

I took off the robe and his eyes widened. Guess he missed that. I don't really care anymore he's already seen everything.

He laid down on the bed and I laid down next to him.

I got on top of him and I slowly leaned in.

I don't know why but we kept kissing even after Cole said we could stop.

It just felt different. It felt special.

We continued making the video then it started getting dark so we decided to stop.

Cole and everyone else left so it was just me and Kimetrius.

We we're packing up our things when it started pouring and I was not about to take the kids outside in that rain. "I think I'm just gonna stay here." I said to myself then I heard someone reply.

Yo that shit was low-key fucking scary.

I looked around and I saw Kimetrius packing his things.

He looked out the window and saw that it was really fucking windy and it was pouring. "Oh hell nah I ain't going out in that rain." He said.

He went to go get a hotel room but they we're all already reserved.

So we had to sleep in the same hotel room. "I'm going to go get the kids." I said then I left before he could even say anything back.

I went downstairs to the daycare center and I saw the missed right away. They came running to me. "I made new friends!" Shouted Khloe as she jumped.

"No you didn't they were running away from you because you Had slime all over your fingers." Khleo said and Khloe got mad.

She was about to push Khleo but I grabbed her before.

She was kicking and screaming as we walked to the hotel room.

When we got to the hotel room I was really nervous because Kimetrius hasn't met Khleo and Khloe.

Khloe was still kicking and screaming.

We walked in and I put her down and she threw herself. Khleo just laughed at her.

When Gabe saw Kimetrius he ran to him.

He hugged him super tight. A couple minutes later Kimetrius decided to carry Khloe. She was still kicking and screaming then she calmed down.

She slowly fell asleep in his arms.

When the kids were already asleep me and Kimetrius decided to watch TV. "So who are you with now?" He asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"I mean who's kids are these?" He asked.

"So when you left I was pregnant and now they're here." I said and he looked confused.

"So all of these kids are ours?" He asked.

"Yes. What's so confusing about that?" I asked him.

"I thought you couldn't have any kids." He said.

"Well I obviously can." I said and he chuckled.

"You're still the same. Cute and Funny." He mumbled.

Please Excuse any mistakes

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