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•K E L A N I 'S P O V•

I woke up to my Instagram notifications blowing up. Like there was a notification sound every second do I decided to just get up.

Gabe was next to me on the bed cause he was sad that Kimetrius left.

I feel bad for him. He shouldn't have to go through this as a 2 year old. Nobody should but I guess it is what it is. I can't stay with him if he's only going to continue hurting me. I will always love him but I'll have to pretend like I don't for the rest of my life. I know the Media is going to be all up in my space but I don't care as long as I don't get hurt anymore. The Media can say whatever they want to say.

I got up and went to the bathroom.

I got a bath ready then I got in.

I just want to relax and forget about all of my feelings.

I was currently laying down in the bathtub.

Gabe doesn't wake up until 3 pm most days and right now it's 11 am.

I decided to close my eyes for a bit and forget about everything.

But it didn't work, I will never be able to get him out of my head.

Even if I move on, I know my mind won't. He will always be there and I will always love him. He was my first boyfriend that cared about me and I feel like I let him go I'll regret it. I feel like I won't be able to find someone else like him.

I miss him so much. I know he may not miss me but I miss him. I know he'll move on sooner than me. He always has.

I was getting so fucking sad thinking of all this shit that I started to cry.

See this is why I was scared of falling in love again.

It's like falling in a deep hole in the middle of nowhere and nobody can help you but you. It takes a while to get to the top but you eventually do.

I grabbed my towel and got out of the bathtub.

I changed into some sweats and a t shirt.

I brushed my hair and left it down.

I went to the room and Gabe was still sleeping.

I decided to make some breakfast for him. I made french toast with berries and whipped cream for him. I made some sausage on the side cause I know that he loves sausage.

When he woke up I helped him shower then I helped him choose out some clothes.

He came downstairs and I made him a plate.

He looked sad as he ate his food.

I feel so bad for him. He shouldn't have to go through that as a 2 year old. No child should ever have to go through that but I can't just let it slide. He's over here cheating on me, how can I not get mad at him?

I think I'm going to take Gabe to Jahseh's house so they can hang out and so he can get his mind off of things. I know he always has a good time with Jahseh. They're basically like best friends.

Once he was done eating I put him in his car seat and I drove to Jahseh's house. It's like 3 miles away.

We drove all the way to his house and Gabe was so happy.

When I got him out of his car seat he started jumping on the sidewalk.

I rang the doorbell and he answered.

Jahseh was so happy to see Gabe. He pulled Gabe into a big hug and Gabe laughed.

I gave Gabe a hug and a kiss on the cheek before I left. Jahseh still doesn't know what happened so I guess I'll have to explain that to him later.

I opened the gate and I drove to James's house. He's my spa buddy.

We drove to the mall and we went to the spa area.

I wanted to get my nails done so I did but I had to wear a mask because I think I might be pregnant. "So what are we here for today?" James asked me.

"So you know that girl Jacey right?" I asked him and he gave me a smile.

"Of course how could I forget that annoying ass twig. I wish I would've fought her in highschool. That's my biggest regret." He said and I let out a small laugh.

"So About 6 months ago her and Kimetrius fucked at a party and I didn't find out until yesterday because now she's pregnant and I'm pregnant too. Isn't that just amazing. I lost "The Love of my life" to a twig like what the fuck is that. So I guess I'm a single mother now." I said and he pouted.

"I was so ready to be a bridesmaid." He said and I smiled.

"I was so ready to be bride but I guess not no more." I said and he chuckled.

"So how has Gabe been feeling?" He asked me.

"He's been really sad. Him and his dad always hung out they would always play together they just had a really good relationship." I said.

"I feel like he shouldn't have to go through that as a 2 year old. He's just learning things and his dad is missing it all. He shouldn't have to be raised without a dad but I guess you can't just let him continue cheating on you." He said and I was on the verge of crying but I didn't.

"He's at Jahseh's house right now and I hope he can get his mind off of things and that he has a good day. I just want him to forget about that for the day." I said and he gave me a reassuring smile.

"I now he'll have a good time with Jahseh. He always has and he always will." He said and that just made me smile.

See this is why everyone needs a James. "My stomach hurts so fucking bad." I said and he smiled.

"You're pregnant. How is it supposed to not hurt when everything in your stomach is moving around?" He said and I chuckled.

A T  H O M E

When I got home from the mall I decided to take a nap because I was feeling super sick and I had a huge headache.

Please Excuse Any Mistakes

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