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I woke up to Ki's loud ass snores. His mouth was right next to my ear and that nigga was snoring loud as fuck.

Today we're going back to Beverly Hills and I know the kids are going to throw the biggest fit over leaving.

I turned on my phone to check what time it was and I noticed that it was only 5 am so I went back to sleep.

I pushed Kimetrius a little because I was so close to falling off of the bed.

He moved around a bit before wrapping his arms around me.

He pulled me closer to him and he continued to sleep.

I ended up falling asleep again.


I woke up to Khleo, Khloe and Gabe jumping on the bed.

They were tackling Ki.

The room was filled with their smiles and giggles.

I sit up and look at the twins then they start to run.

Every single morning they do this because they don't want to shower.

Gabe gets up and goes to the bathroom to take a shower like he does every morning because he likes showering unlike the other 2 little bugs.

Kimetrius was helping Gabe shower while I looked for Khleo and Khloe.

I look for the twins. I've already looked around the whole hotel room and I still haven't found them.

I go to the living room and notice that the door was open.

Then I hear giggles coming from behind the door.

There they were.

They got up super quick and ran back to their room.

They slammed the door.

I opened the door slowly and saw them hiding under the bed. "Come on." I tell them and they get out from under the bed.

"Can we eat ice cream after?" Khleo asks me.

"Nope, because you two are being bad. And bad miss don't get ice cream." I say and they run back.

But I grab on to Khleo's hand and she grabs on to Khloe's hand and I take them to my room.

I grab their suitcases and pick out a couple of outfits for them to choose from. "Which one do you guys want to wear?" I ask them. They just look at me and pout.

"Fine. I'm telling Daddy that you guys don't want to go eat ice cream anymore." I say and Khloe starts to cry and Khleo laughs at her.

"Baby, I was kidding, you were being bad and I can't let you continue to act like this and you know that. You too, Khleo you know that you're not supposed to act like this. If you guys start to act better then maybe me and Daddy will see about going out to eat ice cream." I say and they immediately start to smile.

They pick out white shorts and a simple black shirt with their black and white adidas.

Ki comes out of the bathroom a couple seconds later, carrying Gabe.

Kimetrius helped Gave change while I took the twins to the bathroom.

They wanted to take a bath so they did.

They were playing with the bubbles for a while.

They were making moustaches on themselves.

I took them out of the bath tub a couple of minutes later and I helped them get dressed.

I let them watch TV in the room while me and Kimetrius showered.

We got in the shower and started to shower.

Ki's tall as kept in moving the shower head and I couldn't reach it so I just had to wait for him to move it.

We got out of the shower a while later and I put on some black ripped jeans with a white, off the shoulder shirt.

I put my hair in a bun and I put on my white air Force 1's.

Kimetrius put on an orange gnarcotic shirt with some ripped jeans and his air Force 1's.

I did some light makeup and I put on some hoop earrings.

When we were all done getting ready we packed all of our things up and put them in the car then we left.

We went out to eat because we're hungry and we haven't ate anything yet.

Ki took some pictures with some fans out in the parking lot before we went in.

We ate then we left to go eat ice cream cause the kids really wanted ice cream.

We put all the kids in their car seats then we started to head to Beverly Hills.

The kids were coloring on our way their and me and Kimetrius were just talking.

I had my hand in the middle and he grabbed my hand. It reminded me of the first time he did that. It felt kind of like the first time but it wasn't.

The traffic was the worst so it took forever and it was hot as fuck.

When we finally got to Beverly hills we went to my house and he stayed for a while.

We were playing board games with the kids and the twins were getting really fucking competitive.

So far I was winning and Kimetrius was in last place.

The twins were in 2nd place and somehow Kimetrius made them lose so now he's in 2nd place and Gabe has been stuck in 3rd place.

I ended up winning and Gabe got 2nd place because he kicked Kimetrius out of his spot.

Me and Kimetrius started cooking dinner while the kids were playing with their toys in the play room.

We were talking about so many things.

Once dinner was ready we put the food in 5 plates and set them down at the table.

The kids were talking a LOT while they were eating. Usually they're quiet.

"Mom we've decided that we're ready for more baby brothers and sisters." They all said together.

"Ask santa for one on Christmas." I said.

They crossed their arms and threw a small fit but they calmed down after a minute or two.

Kimetrius helped me tuck them into bed.

It was getting late so Kimetrius decided to go home. "Bye, baby girl." He whispered in my ear as he hugged me.

"Bye, babe." I replied and he pulled me into a kiss.

He pulled away and walked to his car. He turned around one last time and waved goodbye.

Please Excuse any Mistakes

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