14 (Last Chapter)

157 7 3

8 months later


Me and Kelani were currently talking in the kitchen about the most random shit.

Her belly was big as fuck and she hasn't been feeling good, this has never happened during any of her pregnancies which concerned us but the doctor said it was nothing.

I pulled her in for a hug and I gave her a peck on the lips.

The kids were at Jah's house like they have been for the past hour.

We continued to hug until I felt something wet on my shoe and she felt something too.

Her water broke. She looked just as shocked as me.

I quickly ran upstairs to our room to get her some clothes and our bags.

She quickly changed into the clothes and we got in the car.

The traffic was really bad and Kelani was about to give birth in the car.

Once we got to the hospital I helped her into the wheelchair and we quickly went to the delivery room.

The doctors helped her onto the bed and into the gown.

She was a little more relaxed and she had laid her head back a little. She was talking about how painful it is to have kids.

A couple minutes later a doctor came in to check how much she had dilated.

She was 7 cm so she was pretty close.

She was holding tightly onto my hand.

We're having a boy and we're thinking that it's going to be our last child.

She was sweating a lot because of how nervous she was. I moved her hair out of her face and put it in a bun because she was going to give birth soon and I know she gets even more frustrated when there's hair in her face.

I leaned in to give her a kiss.

I never would've thought that, that would be our last kiss together but sadly it was.

We were interrupted when the doctor came in again to see how much she had dilated since the last time he came in.

She was currently 9 cm so the doctors started bringing in all of the things.

I gave her a reassuring smile and she kind of calmed down but she was still really nervous.

I placed a gently kiss on her forehead and she gave me a smile.

She was really sweaty because of how nervous she was but I didn't care, she's still beautiful.

The doctors and the nurses started coming in to help with the birth.

I held her hand and her leg as I distracted her from the pain while she pushed.

Then we finally heard a cry but Kelani was bleeding a lot and the doctors were very concerned about it.

We decided to name him Kai.

The nurses had to go wash him off because he had blood and so that Kelani could get some rest.

She woke up when they brought him back, she held him and she seemed so happy.

I let out a few tears, I can't believe that I have a family, a happy family.

It was getting late and Kelani was started to fall asleep and so was Kai.

So I took him and held him. The doctors let me walk around the hospital with him.

When I came back there was a bunch of doctors crowded around her. A nurse quickly explained to me what happened.

My heart dropped the second I heard what happened.

She bleed to death. But she left me 4 beautiful angels.

I held Kai in my arms as I cried.

Sorry for the short chapter and the mistakes
And sorry for not updating until now

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