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1 W E E K L A T E R

•K E L A N I 'S P O V•

I was currently on my way to go pick up Gabe from Jahseh's house.

He's been hanging out with him a lot because he really enjoys hanging out with Jah and Jah loves hanging out with Gabe. Jaheh is moving to Florida next month so he wants to spend as much time as he can with  Gabe.

While I was stuck in traffic I zoned out.


I still remember that night. Every year I had gotten my heart broken that same night. But this heart break was different. I actually loved him but he obviously didn't.

"Kimetrius!" I yelled running towards him and he smiled at me.

Bur I didn't realize that he was already with someone.

It was Katie, the girl that has stolen him every year from me. I really thought he'd change this year but he didn't.

I thought he lived me bought it was all just a trick for me to fall in love and get my heart broken again like every year. I was hoping this time it'd change but I knew it wouldn't but I still took my chances. I need to learn where I stand I won't ever stand by his side. I'm the girl that nobody wants. The girl that has to pretend to be happy everyday but she really isn't. Nobody knows what she goes through except her.

I hate being like this.

I ran outside in the cold. Hoping I'd die. But that didn't happen. It never has.

I wished to be dead by the age of 15 but yet here I am. I don't want to be here anymore Hur I can't bring myself to do it.

I don't want to let go of the only 2 good things in my life. Jahseh and my mom.

I was about to leave when I heard moaning coming from a car. I turn and see Kimetrius and Katie.

Nobody will ever understand the pain that I felt that night. Seeing your ex fucking a girl right in front of your face is something that I can't forget.

I didn't know at the time that my live for him would continue. I thought it would end right there but it didn't. I keep on getting hurt to this day and I still love him like I always have but he can't get that shit through his head, he never will. He still pretends like I don't have feelings, like I don't love him but I really do. I felt safe in his arms. I felt happy. Now I'm back to that dark sad place I was in before.

I always end up back here at the end. I wish I could end up in his arms one day but that's just a wish not reality. I need to get that through my head but I just can't.

I snapped back into reality when a car honked.

I just let the tears slide.

When I got to Jahseh's house I wiped away my tears.

I can't let Gabe see me like this. I have to be strong for him. I want to be the perfect mother for him and hopefully I am.

I know how to cover up my tears, I've been doing it for years now.

On my way back home I got a phone call but since I was driving I couldn't answer it.

When I got home I answered it. "Hello." J said kindly.

"Is this Kelani Onfroy?" The person said jntk the phone.

"Yes." I said.

"I need you to come to the hospital on Rose street right now. Please." He said before hanging up.

I took Gabe back to Jahseh's house and I headed to the hospital.

When I got to the hospital a lady lead me to the 3rd floor.

I saw Kimetrius in the hospital bed.

His eyes widened when he saw me.

I walked over to him and held his hand. "He's in here because apparently he hasn't been eating or sleeping much and he was found unconscious in his studio in downtown LA." The doctor said before leaving the room.

"Really?" I asked him as I let go of his hand.

"I miss you I can't live without you. You were the reason I decided to follow my dreams. You're the muse behind half of my songs. I still live you. I hope you know that." He said with water eyes.

"I love you too but I can't just keeping getting hurt. I want to be happy for once. U still remember that night at prom. I thought that you really loved me but j second later I saw you fucking whole other girl right in front of my face. You act like only you have feelings. You know what I can't be with you again. Just give up already. I'm done giving you chances.  I think it's time for both of had to move on and continue our life's. Just remember that I will always love you hope you know that. I never stopped loving you. I know I may have pretended that I didn't live you but I really do love you but j just can't stand this pain. I want to be happy. I was happy with you for a while but I think it's time for me to stop depending on people. I shouldn't have to be with someone to be happy but I guess it's the way it is." I said before getting ready to walk out but then I heard his heart rate speed up before it just stopped.

Some doctors came rushing in.

I cried and cried.

Please Excuse Any Mistakes

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