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2 M O N T H S L A T E R

•L I L S K I E S 'S P O V•

I was currently getting ready to go to a party for my single that I just released, Real Ties.

I put on a shirt and some black jeans with my white air forces.

I gave Gabe a hug. "Daddy can I go with you, please I promise I will be good." He said as he hugged me leg.

"Sorry buddy but today Daddy has to go do big boy thing." I said and he bit my leg.

"A party is not work." He said as he crossed his arms.

"I promise I'll take you next time." I said and he gave me a small smile.

"Fine. But you still haven't given mommy a hug so you can't leave." He said as he stood in front of the door.

I went upstairs to the room and she wasn't there so I went to the bathroom and there she was, puking. I moved her hair out of her face. I helped her up then I gave her a hug. "How are you feeling? Baby." I asked her as I hugged her.

"I feel like I'm pregnant but I know that's not possible so I don't know." She said as she let out a few tears.

"Well I hope it is a baby." I said and I gave her a smile.

"You know I can't have kids. I'm probably just sick." She said as we continued to hug.

"Well I have to go. Promise me you'll go to the hospital if this continues tomorrow." I said as I pulled out of the hug.

"I promise." She said before I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

I left the room and got into my car.

I went to my house where the party is going to be at.

(They have a house together and each of them have their own house too)

I parked in my garage and I went inside.

They we're still setting up. I went up to Wiz and dapped him up.

I saw Jacey there. We fucked 7 months ago at a party and she had a big ass belly already.

I went back to Wiz and we started talking.

We were sitting on the couch smoking and talking."So what's up with your girl over there." He said looking at Jacey.

"She ain't my girl, she's at home with my kid." I said and he looked so fucking confused.

"But at my party you fucked her." He said.

"Well to be honest I don't want that kid. It was the biggest mistake of my life and I think my real girl might be pregnant. I only want to be with my girl and I feel bad for cheating on her. But I know Jacey would never abort that baby so I guess she can raise it by herself." I said.

I was drunk and high as fuck.

I was just saying everything and Jacey was right next to me but I didn't notice.

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