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K E L A N I 'S P O V

I woke up to Ki's arm wrapped tightly around me.

I moved a little and I guess that woke him up.

He moves his face to the crook of my neck and tries to continue to sleep but he ends up just getting up.

He gets on top of me and hugs me as he showers my face in kisses. "You know the kids sleeping right now and we have about 3 hours to ourselves." He whispered in my ear.

I just ignore him. "I'm gonna go take a shower. You wanna join?" I ask him and he gets up.

I get a towel and some clothes then we go to the bathroom.

He makes sure to lock the door while I turn on the water.

He walks over to me and smacks my ass.

I start to take off my clothes and so does Kimetrius.

I get in the shower then Kimetrius follows not too long after.

He closes the shower door after him.

I put some shampoo in my hair and while I close my eyes I feel something getting really near me but I wasn't going to open my eyes because I'm not about to get soap in my eyes .

I feel arms around my waist. Then I feel lips slowly brush against my lips.

He starts to kiss me and I kiss him back. It was slow and passionate. I wrapped my arms around him and his hand slowly goes lower, cupping my ass.

I cup his cheeks as we get deep in the kiss. Then I pull away with a gasp and we both open our eyes. He looks in my eyes and this time his look is different, different than the other times.

He got closer to my neck and I felt him leave hickeys all over my body. I felt safe in his arms.

His lips trailed up to my ear and he slowly started to nibble on the tip. "You're ass looks fatter without clothes." He whispered in my ear, followed by a soft chuckle.

He signaled me to jump and I wrapped my legs around him. My but was barely over his length. If I moved any lower my ass would touch his length.

My back was.ahaimsy the shower door as he trailed all the way down to my breasts and started to softly bite my breasts.

He left multiple hickeys all over my body.

He put me back down and he slowly inserted one finger inside of me.

I let out a soft moan. I felt him slowly enter another finger. He pulled out and he licked his fingers as he looked at me.

His tongue slowly went inside of me and he started to suck on me. I was a moaning mess.

I tugged on his wet hair as he continued.

He pulled his tongue out and he lifted me up again.

I felt his tip rub against me.

He slowly went inside of me as he kissed my neck. His hands were on my breasts.

He slowly started to go faster. It hurt really fucking bad.

Tears slipped down my cheeks because of how much it hurt. But that pain slowly turned into pleasure.

I was a moaning mess.

I tugged on his dreads while he was inside of me.

I felt myself starting to cum as he hit my g spot. "Fuck." I moaned as he went faster.

I felt him cum inside of me a couple of seconds later.

He pulled out, out of breath.

We finished showering like nothing happened.

I got out of the shower first and wrapped myself up in my towel.

He hugged me as I brushed my teeth.

I changed into maroon leggings with a maroon sweater and a black tank top.

I put on my air Force 1's and Kimetrius copied me.

I swear this nigga does this every time.

I put in my hoop earrings that he got me a couple of years ago and I put my hair in a bun.

We we're matching completely just that he had his sweater zipped up and he wasn't wearing hoop earrings.

He even put his hair up in a bun too.
The kids matched with us.

Please Excuse any mistakes
Sorry for the short chapter

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