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I was currently at my house, chilling with my girlfriend Hailey.

She low key gets on my nerves but I try to hide it. Most of the time she's annoying but I guess I have to deal with her.

Lately she's been talking a whole lot of shit. "I want kids Hailey." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Do you not see my body it's perfect. I don't want to ruin it. When I get pregnant I'm going to have stretch marks and I'm going to get fat. Why can't you get that through your head? Besides kids are annoying and they're ugly have you not seen Jaceys's child it's ugly as fuck. We're perfect, we don't need little pests bothering us." She said.

Jacey lied to me and that kid's not even mine it was this one other guy's.

I continued watching the movie and tried not to fall asleep.

Then out of nowhere this crazy ass bitch climbs on top of me and starts kissing me. I just let her take control because I really wasn't feeling like arguing. I already hear enough of her squeaky voice.

She started to sway her hips.

I closed my eyes but I opened them because all I could think of was Kelani.

I wish the girl riding me was Kelani.

The way she moved her hips. The way her touch made me feel. She's different. She's one of a kind and I actually love her.

I miss her way too much. Knowing that she lives like 2 blocks away makes everything harder.

I closed my eyes again and let myself think of her on top of me.

I just wish I wouldn't have cheated on her.

I wanted more kids with her.

I remember when she visited me in the hospital. I know I'm not supposed to remember that but it was just too special for me to forget it. I hope she still feels that way. I hope she feels the same way that I feel about her.

I really want to go visit her but I feel like she's right. All I do is hurt her and she needs a break from all of this.

I just want to let her know that no matter where she is I will always love her.

I wish I could go back to that night at prom and change everything.

Even if I don't love her anymore I will never forget what we had in between us. It was perfect and we were both happy until that day.

I wish I could go back and change everything, then maybe we would still be together and we would have a family together.

I felt her ride me slowly but I wasn't really turned on, knowing that it was her and not Kelani made everything different.

I miss Gabe, I wonder what he's doing right now.

I think I'm going to go visit them next week.

I miss them and I want to get close to Kelani but not date her because I don't want to hurt her more than I've already hurt her.

K E L A N I 'S P O V

I woke up to the kids jumping in my bed.

The girls were 'braiding' my hair but they were just tangling it.

I had to go shower so I turned on Netflix for them and I went into the bathroom.

I turned on some music and got into eh shower.

I let the hot water hit my body for a bit then I started to actually shower.

When I for out of the shower and out on some jeans and a crop top.

I put on my Jordans with it and I just so straightened my hair.

I put the girls hair in two buns. (They have curly hair)

They had on jeans, a red Jordan shirt and some white Jordans.

Gave wire the same thing as them but just that his shirt was blue.

We went outside and walked to the park.

I walked past a house that seemed familiar. Then I saw someone coming out of the house, it was Kimetrius so I grabbed the kids and I ran.

When we made it to the park I slowed down and let them play. Only Gabe knows why I ran.

I watched them play and seeing them happy made me happy too.

I still miss Kimetrius and j kind of regret running just a couple minutes ago.

Maybe we could've talked and the twins would've met thejr dad for the first time.

I just want them to meet him and hopefully have a good relationship with there father. When they grow up I don't want them to hate him, I want them to treat him like there father.

I wrote this in like 10 minutes so please Excuse any mistakes

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