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K E L A N I 'S P O V

They made me wait outside if his room because I wasn't allowed in there. Then a doctor came out. "You can say goodbye to him, he's gone." He said before walking away.

I went inside and held his hand. "I will always love you no matter where you are. Every time we broke up j pretended like I didn't love you but I really did. I'm going to miss you. Why did you have to go? Just know that I will always love you." I said before I started walking away.

When I touched the doorknob I heard the machine start beeping again. I walked over there and I put my hand over his heart, it was still beating.

I called in the doctors and they made me leave again.

A nurse came out of the room a couple minutes later. "He's awake but he may not remember everything that happened today." She said.

I just went home because I didn't want to see anyone anymore.

When I was walking to the parking lot a lady gave me a envelope. I opened it and it said that I was having twin girls.

2 Y E A R S L A T E R

Me, Gabe and the twins were currently grocery shopping.

(The twins names are Khleo and Khloe)

Khleo was running around with Gabe and Khloe was in the shopping cart playing with her dolls.

Khleo is the crazier one and Khloe is calmer.

I have a photoshoot in 4 hours so me and the kids need to hurry up and finish grocery shopping. "Mommy, can we get the Dora yogurt." Khloe said as she pointed at the yogurt.

"Yeah sure." I said and I grabbed them and put them in the shopping cart.

She got out of the shopping cart a couple minutes later and went to go play with Khleo and Gabe.

Gabe is 4 years old right now and the twins are 2 years old.

Why do these kids look so much like Kimetrius. Seeing them makes me miss him more and more.

They came back a couple minutes later from there 'adventure' but I know they just went to the dairy aisle to get 2 milk gallons.

They brought them to me and I put them in the shopping cart. "Now can you kids go get some fruit snacks." I said that then and they ran away as I followed them.

They each grabbed 2 boxes but I ended putting away 5 of the boxes.

I payed for my things then we left the store.

I headed home to put away the groceries.

The kids played in the play room while I cooked something for them before my interview.

I made chicken nuggets and macaroni because I was in a hurry.

Being a single mom is so fucking hard. When Kimetrius was here everything seemed too easy. He would help me with Gabe. I miss him but for publicity I have to pretend like I don't feel anything for him anymore.

I made the kids each a plate and I quickly changed.

When I for back downstairs they we're already done eating so I put them in the car.

I went to Diego's house to drop off the kids because he wanted to play with them.

I headed to the building where my interview was and I went inside.

A lady was waiting for me at the entrance and she lead me to the stage.

I sat down on a chair in front of the girl.

I'm here because she wants to interview me about my break up and how I have to raise 3 kids by myself. "So today we have Kelani Onfroy on the show." She said as she pointed at me.

"Hey." I said as I waved at the camera.

"So how do you feel about everything so far? Is it easy or like how do you feel about the break up?" She asked me.

"It's hard being a single mom like I'm always in hurry when I have photoshoots and interviews and other things like that. They're calm but they're kids so they obviously make messes and they like to run around and play but it's hard doing like a million things are once. It just breaks my heart when Gabe and the twins ask me where there dad is and when he's coming back I just don't know what to say to them. They look so much like him, every time I see them they remind me of him but I'm trying to be strong for them. I want them to have everything that they need, I want them to be happy." I said as I tried my hardest not to cry.

My throat was killing me. "So what did you feel when you two first broke up?" She asked me and I was ready to say everything.

I just want to get everything off of my chest and I feel like it's time, it's been a little over 2 years and I feel like I'm ready. "I really missed him, I felt bad for Gabe because he shouldn't have had to go through that as a 2 year old. I feel bad for the twins because the only reason that they know what he looks like is because of pictures. He's never came to visit them. I don't think he even knows about them. We just lost connection when we broke up. I never had a chance to tell him that I was pregnant." I said and j was on the verge of crying but I was trying to calm down.

4 H O U R S L A T E R

Me and the kids were back at home and I was reading them a book while we sat on the couch. They were close to falling sleep so I just took them upstairs.

I tucked them into bed and I gave each of them a kiss on the forehead before I went to bed.

Please Excuse Any Mistakes

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