Chapter 15

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We finally tracked Liv down the next morning on the way to Breakfast, the alcohol from the night before had created a pounding pain in my head and Jason tempted me downstairs for the weekly Sunday full English brunch.

"One sec, I'll just see if Luke wants to come too." Jason turned to the door next to mine and knocked. Luke took a while to answer, but when he finally did I caught sight of Liv sat on his bed, dressed in her clothes from the night before. I rose an eyebrow at her and smirked.

"Breakfast?" I asked them smugly.

Liv nodded quickly and jumped up, nudging me playfully on the way out. God, that girl! We all headed down for breakfast and ignored the elephant in the room, I couldn't imagine Emily would be too happy if she found out about them.

By the time I'd got a plate full of food, I was practically salivating, and munched it down quickly. I saw Emily enter the canteen and glance at our table. I could see the look of realization as she realized there were no seats, and she walked to the other end of the canteen and sat down next to someone, I squinted my eyes and saw that it was Ben. I guess that saved an awkward conversation from happening this morning.

"You finished?" I asked Liv, glancing at her empty plate. She took one last sip of her coffee then nodded.

"Let's head." I signaled to her, I needed to catch up with her privately about what happened last night before she headed off today.

"Sure!" She turned to Luke "I guess I'll see you later."

He nodded and I said goodbye to Jason, him telling me he wanted to catch me later.

I led Liv through the canteen and across the fairground until we arrived at the AstroTurf football pitch. It was surrounded by high bushes, making it feel more private. We headed up to the tiered seating and climbed to the top row.

"So..." I gave her a look.

"So..." She smiled back cheekily.

"I'm assuming you had fun last night." I chuckled.

"I'm surprised you noticed, you basically passed out drunk in the club! Jason had to carry you home! But yes, Luke was very nice, everyone was nice, it was fun!" Liv shook her head at me.

"Okay okay, maybe I'm still yet to properly handle my alcohol, I'm just practicing before uni!" I defended.

"Sure, sure! Anyway, things look good between you and Jason?" She rose an eyebrow.

I smiled at the mention of his name "Yeah, I really like him. A lot more than I thought I would. I don't know if things will go further though, I mean don't get me wrong, I'd love him to be my boyfriend, but I don't know about that sort of commitment when I'm leaving soon." I felt my face drop.

"You don't think it'd work?" She asked, more sympathetic now.

I shrugged "It's a long way from uni. I dunno, if things were different maybe."

"Different how? What like if you got a job here permanently?" She frowned.

"I guess, I wouldn't want to do this full time though." I loved being here in the resort but knew I'd end up being here for years like the others if I didn't push myself to leave.

"Don't they have, like, other jobs? Like management or like a social media department or something?" Liv started rambling, she did this, always tried to come up with solutions.

I shook my head and chuckled "Probably, I'm guessing you'd have to have a degree for that first though."

"Maybe." She shrugged.

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