Chapter 4- Emma- Three months later

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I'm offically three months pregnant and since we are in the Enchanted Forest there is no way to find out the gender so Killian and I agreed to have it be a surprise. Since Regina told me that my baby will be hunted by villains I have been walking on eggshells. I called a family meeting to discuss what Regina told me. I wasn't ready for my child to be that powerful, their magic will come with a price. Rumple could always help but he was busy with Belle and Gideon, I wanted to give my child magic lessons myself. The meeting was quieter than I expected no one had anything to share, so I stared. "Regina and I talked about the magic that the baby will have when it's born she must be able to control it." I realized I said she and Killian gave me a smile. "Emma honey I know you can find out the gender of your baby." I sat down across from my mom as she told me about my grandma Ruth. " When your father and I got married the first time so his mother could see it before she died. Their was this amulet that predicted your first born, King George made me drink a potion so I couldn't have kids but Ruth snuck magic water into our cups and she saw that you were going to be a girl." This would work for Killian but not me since I had Henry, "Emma this isn't your first born it won't work."
"It won't for me but it will for you!" I said as my mom handed me the amulet, I handed it to Killian who watched it move. We were both shocked about what the baby would be but both were excited.

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