Chapter 15- The Announcemnt Ball

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I added the finish touches on the ball, the invitations were sent out awhile ago. My mom insisted that we invite the whole kingdom to welcome the new addition, but I talked to Henry and we invited the people he knew from StoryBrooke or people he met in the Enchanted Forest since we've been here. As everyone started showing up, I greeted them trying to avoid seeing Henry so grown up with a baby on the way. "Emma it's so good to see you!" I heard from behind me Cinderella was standing with Thomas, Alexandra and their son Tommy. "Cinderella, hey how are you? How's Tommy?" She handed him to me and he wrapped his legs around my waist, "He's adorable so glad you could make it. Henry will be so happy to see you both. He's with my parents and Killian in the ballroom." I handed the toddler back to them and continued greeting people until they stop coming in, it was time to announce the baby of course my mother wanted to since she is the loudest but I told her I was she announced mine so I'm announcing my sons child. "Princess Emma has an announcement everyone gather around." I prepared myself for my first speech as Princess, honestly I was nervous I wanted to puke but I was taught better. "Everyone thank you for joining us I would like to share an announcement. My son Prince Henry and his wife Lady Violet are expecting a baby." I was so scared I was going to mess up but all I had to think about was doing this for Henry. Everyone clapped and danced all night until the ball ended everyone went home leaving Killian and I standing in the ballroom with me holding Aiden , we haven't talked since our fight and he still didn't want to talk to me so I put Aiden to bed and laid in bed with him next to me snoring lightly. I understand why he is worried but Aiden can learn to control his magic and it won't be dangerous to anyone, I got out of bed and walked to the nursery Aiden was sleeping soundly. Seeing him made me cry, he looked so much like Killian I lost it. I keep reliving our fight and him bringing up the one of the things I regret. I heard footsteps behind me my mom came and wrapped her arms around me giving me a big hug. "You need to talk to him before it's too late, he's going on a trip with your father to Arendelle for trading business." I wanted him to come to me, I want to know that he can trust me to do the right thing for our son. "Mom I want him to come to me, I can't solve the problem he has unless I know what it is. He brought up the dark me and the mistakes, I can forgive anything but that really hurt me I thought I was doing the right thing." She pulled me out of our hug and sat me down in the chairs on the balcony, "Emma you did do the right thing, you saved Regina from turning down a terrible path, and yes you went down it yourself but you can back from it and learned your lesson. Killian just doesn't want Aiden to have to face the choice between dark or light magic. You two need to work it out for your son's sake, he shouldn't have to see his parents at war with each other. Believe me I know you and Neal saw that with your father and I it doesn't hurt us to be mad it hurts the children." I wanted to thank her for the pep talk but apart of me believed I deserved it I shouldn't have gotten angry at Killian the way I did and I shouldn't have walked away. I rushed to the docks where Killian was loading things on the boat for his trip, I screamed his name hoping he would hear me. "KILLIAN, KILLIAN!" He turned to look at me, he came running to me like a child missing his mother. "I'm sorry you were right Aiden's  magic should me controlled and I'll work on it while your gone." He pulled me into a hug and swung me around, "You don't need to apologize I'm the one who brought up the dark you, she had nothing to do with our son's magic. You know what's best for him when it comes to magic so I trust you to do what's best. I love you so much swan!"

"I love you too Killian!"

He left for Arendelle with my father, I walked back up to the castle my mom waiting for me with Aiden. He was crawling towards me with a toy in one hand and a hand full of grass in the other, "Why are you carrying around grass baby, you have plenty of toys." I picked him up and he dropped the grass to hit me in the face with his toy, I laughed he was just like Killian in so many ways. "You were right mom, he comes first and Killian and I worked out our issues. He trust me to do what's best for Aiden." She nodded like she knew it was going to happen, of course if I didn't talk to him she would and I would be in for the talk of my life with Killian for sending my mother instead of talking to him myself. 

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