Chapter 17- Aiden's First Birthday

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I woke up early to add the finishing touches to Aiden's party, people he didn't know would be celebrating him. He's only a year old and I don't want him to get an older I want him to stay my baby forever, my mom came down the steps shaking her head at me. "Emma honey you've fixed the decorations ten times since we put them up yesterday they are perfect. To be honest Aiden isn't going to care he's one the idea of you holding him is enough." I laughed and I knew that but it still had to be perfect I didn't get to do any of this with Henry I missed ten birthdays I have to make up for them with Aiden. "I'm going to go get him!" I said walking upstairs trying to avoid a conversation about how I shouldn't feel guilty about Henry, I have felt guilty for giving him up for twenty one years and I'm still going to, I wasn't brave enough to keep him when I really wanted to. She'd give me a speech about how he accepted why I gave him up but I gave him up and he was raised by the evil queen isolated in a town full of fairy tale characters. Saying it out loud after all of these years sound crazy but I'm technically a fairy tale character who married and had a kid with Captain Hook. Aiden was bouncing in his bed when I walked in, shouting and smiling like crazy. "Hey there little man! Happy Birthday little pirate, let's go wake daddy and Gina." We walked to my room first to wake Killian, when Aiden say Killian laying asleep he clapped his little hands together and giggled loudly so he would wake up. "Hello there little pirate did you wake me?" Killian went to take Liam and I ran down the hall with him to Regina's room to wake her, "Shh baby let's wake Gina" I put him on the bed as he crawled across the bed and sat on Regina's stomach, "Can I help you young man? Mommy is going to get hurt if she doesn't leave me to sleep." To be honest when Regina doesn't get enough sleep she becomes angry and bitchy, so I left with Aiden to meet my mother in the ballroom to show where we'll be sitting with Aiden. I really hoped Aiden would act well with all these people around, he's only met a few of them but don't know them well enough. I don't want people to fear his magic if he happens to use it but from where we come from magic is not always good even if you are the son of the savior. "Mom do you think Aiden will react to this well?" I don't know why I asked her she didn't have experiences with birthdays in the Enchanted Forest with a one year old. "Honey honestly that's the one parenting question I don't know the answer to maybe ask Regina." I handed my mom Aiden and walked up to Regina's room, she was putting Kathrine to bed. "Ms. Jones seriously I just put the baby to bed!" I felt bad But I needed advice. "What is it?" I pulled her outside I didn't wake the baby, " I asked my mom a question about parenting and she didn't know the answer because she didn't have experience in the subject. Can you help me I know you do?" She nodded shocked my mom didn't know the answer about parenting it's her strong suit and it comes naturally to her. "Well what is it?"

"I don't know how Aiden will react to his party today with people he doesn't know congratulating him and hugging him. How should I expect him to act? You didn't have Olivia in the Enchanted Forest but my mother doesn't know and I don't know anyone who has had babies recently who had a first birthday here!"

"Emma you need to calm down, I can't be sure how he will react all babies are different. You just have to be there if he doesn't like it and be his mother."

She was right I needed to calm down and think about my son, and whether he would be okay not if I would be okay. I left Regina and went back downstairs to my mom, Aiden was crawling across the floor and playing with toys. I had a feeling he would be fine because he is Killian and I son, he is the son of an ex pirate and the son of Savior turned Princess of a huge Kingdom.

His birthday was a success he didn't cry or throw a fit he just tough through it. By the end of the night he was passed out in Killian's arms, I didn't think he was going to last as long as he did I thought he would be passed out by the time the guest arrived

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