Chapter 10- First Day with Aiden

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I sat in the nursery rocking chair, rocking Aiden to sleep. I didn't want to put him down, he cuddled to me as I laid him in his bed. My mom came in a little later and told me I needed to give him his baby space or he'll be one of those kids that rely non their parents for everything. I was just  one of those parents who missed out the first time and is still trying to makeup for it. Seeing Henry all grown up makes me feel guilty that I didn't raise him, things would be different to different. I walked out of the room leaving Aiden alone for the first time since he was born, I've spent all day with him it's time I get some rest of my own. I went into mine and Killian's room, I started to fall asleep when I got a sense something was wrong, my first instinct was to check the nursery. Aiden was sleeping peacefully in his crib, so next I went to where Regina was staying in the room next to me. She was on the floor with her hands covering her face and crying like she had just watched her love die. "Regina what's wrong?" She looked at me with tear stained cheeks and shook her head, I sat next to her and tried to calm her but it only made it worse. "The... fight... Robin.." She tried to say in between sobs, I just nodded my head for her to continue. " I... told...him...I...wasn't...ready." She dried her eyes turned her body so it was facing me and continued without crying, "But really I found out right after our fight before I came her that I was already pregnant." She started to cry again, I couldn't tell if it was the hormones or just her hurting herself over what she said. "Regina you should go to Robin and tell him. He'll forgive you because he loves you." She nodded and vanished in a cloud of purple smoke that had a tint of lavender in it. I walked downstairs to my mom who was talking with Ella and Thomas, I gave them a hug. "Hey Ella, you haven't met the new addition to the charming family." I went upstairs and grabbed Liam, he stayed asleep in my arms until I handed him to Ella. He started to cry and she quickly handed him back, he cooed and smiled in my arms. "He's a mommy's boy. What's his name?" I let my mom hold him while I cleaned the drool off my dress, "Aiden Lucas Jones." Ella gave an awww before 5 year old Alexandra came running in with her little brother Tommy. "Why hello Alexandra and Tommy, how are you today?" I said squatting in front of them, the laughed and ran back outside. "We better get going before they hurt themselves out there. It was good seeing you and meeting Aiden." I waved goodbye, I took Aiden to the dock to see Killian, of course his mother was there and it made me uncomfortable. "Hey love, what are you doing here today?" He smiled when he was me holding Aiden up. "There's my little pirate, how have you been treating mommy." I laughed at Killian's terrible baby voice, I walked over to Isabella I needed to get something off my chest. " I know you don't approve of me for Killian because of my rank. But you really have no say, you left him and when he is finally happy you tried to wipe his memory. I love Killian more than anything when the darkness killed him I went to hell to find him, and bring him back. I risked my life and my families life all because I love him. When we got married it was the happiest day of my life and then we had our son. Look how happy he is, so stop trying to guilt trip me with the looks and the he's mine hidden messages you like to encrypted when talking to me." I took Aiden back from Killian and told him that I was going to put him to bed, I couldn't believe I just stood up to that woman, if she told Killian something different than what I said there was going to be an issue. I stood looking over the entire kingdom, I imagined my life as some fairytale and now that I'm actually living it. It's not what I imgained, being the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, marrying Captain Hook, and being best friends with the woman who tried to kill me and my parents. But I wouldn't change it even if I could, I love my family and who we are no matter our rank.

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