Chapter 5- Reveal

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I watched as Killian held the amulet to my stomach, it began to swing north to south. I looked at my mom as she mouthed the word boy. I looked at Killian and smiled, he was smiling at me like he knew it was a boy the whole time. "Well looks like we have another pirate in this family." Everyone laughed and we all ate dinner out in the garden celebrating  my son. I've always wanted another son because of how things went with Henry, I had the brief time in New York with the fake memories of him but it wasn't the same as having actual memories with him. I needed some place quiet to think, I excused myself from the table. I used magic  to the only place I could thank of at the moment, the rode where my parents accepted their feelings but didn't embrace them. I knew my parents and Killian would send someone after me soon I just couldn't go back not just yet. As I prepared to leave I heard a voice who I never expected to be the one to find or help me. "Well it seems the princess is having some second thoughts." I just ignored the snarky comment and went straight to what she was here for, "I'm not having second thoughts I just go overwhelmed by all the cheering and I needed to think for myself. And if my parents or husband sent you tell them I'm fine I just need to clear my head."

"Emma I know what your're going through, well part of it anyway. Henry forgives you for giving him up he knows why you did it. The part I understand is Henry grew up with Regina for a mother I can imaggine how rough that was but he knew that you were out there and he changed your fate and everyone. I know Regina talked to you about what kind of magic your baby has and when the time comes you'll know what you need to do. You are a strong woman Emma and I will help you anyway I can. Mother to Mother."

"Thanks Zelena but for right now I'm fine I have all of you. I don't want to worry about what might come so just let's go home and be with our family."

She took us back home and my parents rushed to me like I had been gone for a long time, they aren't completely sure about what's out there. I watched Killian stand in the doorway with the smile I love but something was bothering him and I could tell. I let go of my parents and ran to the man I loved. "Killian what's wrong? And don't lie to me I may be pregnant but my superpower still works." He took a gulp and pulled out a necklace from his pocket, I've seen the necklace aboard the Jolly Roger before. " You can tell me. Come on whatever it is we've got this."

"Aye love I know so here it goes, long ago this necklace belonged to a woman, not just any woman my mother. My father had always told me that she died after I was born but I don't believe it and today proved it. A letter came for me from her saying that she wishes to see me and I want you to come. Let her meet my true love and see what our future as a family holds."

It was a lot information at the moment, I wasn't sure if I was ready to meet his mother. When he met my parents he didn't have much of a choice but something didn't feel right but I couldn't tell him no she is the babies grandmother. "Of course I'll go with you, I'll go pack some clothes because all my dresses are getting snug with your pirate growing." I walked up the steps putting my hand on my stomach, "Your daddy real likes springing info on mommy doesn't he?" I continued p the steps, Regina had already beat me up them and she seemed to be in a rush. "Regina is something wrong?" She gave me the you don't wanna know look and I accepted it after everything we've been through. I packed all my loose fitting dresses and stood in front of the mirror with my slight baby bump. I rub it back and worth when I heard talking outside my door.

"Robin I can't do this right now, I have other matters to attend to." I listen carefully at the door until one of them opened the door and plopped on my bed. "Well it seems the queen needs help from the princess. What can I do for you Regina? Make it fast would you I have to meet Killian by the docks in an hour." She just laughed at me and continued to bang her head against my bed, "Ok Ms. Swan you want to help explain to my dear husband there that I am currently trying to find a stronger protection spell to protect that baby of yours."

I just pulled her up and shook my head I hadn't asked her to do any of that. "Regina this is your own problem I didn't ask you to protect my kid so go fix things I have to leave but I'll be back as soon as I can." 

And with that I left on the Jolly Roger with Killian to meet his mother and save a future we could have with her. 

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