Fun Night Wid Sisters

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Today me and my sisters where going to hangout and go to dinner then later we going to the club but first i got to drop my baby girl off with her daddy me and her father have a great relationship we can have a nice conversation without arguing like other co parenting people would do that is my bestfriend but enough of him right know di am on my over to his house to drop off my baby girl we was almost there he lived 30 minutes from me so it wasn't a long drive so we was finally there i got Nami from out her car seat and knocked on the door and O'rayan opened the door half naked he looked so secy but i had to keep that to my self because me and him can not be together no more i had enough of the lying and stuff so it wouldn't work so he gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and said thank you and Nami gave me a hug and said bye mommy i said bye sweetie and gave her a kiss goodbye and i got in the car and my song came on by Chris Brown New Flame so as i was pulling out of the drive way i blast my music back to my house to meet up with my sisters so i pulled in my drive way and my sisters were already there so all they had to do is change there clothes and get ready for dinner so i unlocked the door and took a shower and did my hygiene lotion up and flat iron my hair then put on a spaghetti strapped crop top with a floral skirt that has slits on the side i out on some red bottoms and did my make up and sprayed some perfume on and added some red mac lipstick and i was ready my sister Mila had on a red dress that was see through on the side with some red shoes and her hair was curly going down her back my other sister Miyoko  had on a white pencil skirt with a floral top on with some white red bottoms she was looking hella fine though but her hair was in a bun so we took some pictures before leaving so we deiced to take my driver and my body guards with us so we called them to come pick us up so we waited a good 15 minutes and they finally arrived we went to a fancy restaurant it was a Italian restaurant so we ordered our food with a couple of wine bottles getting ready to go out so we was finished with our food so know we was ready to party and have fun so we get into the car on the way to the club





We  arrived at the club and went to VIP and we seen all our friends it was this one man who i kept looking at and he kept looking at me i couldn't see his face that well so me and my sisters was dancing and he made his way to me and said hey what is your name i said Jhena he said you the girl who sings The Worst i said yea that is me and i said what is your name he said Chris i looked at him and i said hold up you mean Chris Brown he said yes i said oh okay Mr New Flame we laughed and he took me to the bar with my sisters and we ordered so much liquor we had bottles every where and i was drunk as hell and i think Chris was to but i couldn't tell but i didn't care because i was having fun til i didn't see my sisters anymore so i text them asking them where are y'all they said they left because they couldn't find me so i text them back saying okay i will call my driver to come get me and good night XOXOXOXO so Chris came up and asked for my number and i gave it to him and he gave me his and i looked him in his eyes and smiled then we kissed each other causing all attention on us so we finally pulled away catching our breathe and i told him to leave with me so my drivers were waiting for me so i walked in the car with Chris and we ended going to a hotel so we arrived there he bought the room and we got into the elevators and started kissing and he picked me up and carried me bridal style to the room so he put on some music and started kissing me and taking off my clothes then he kiss me down til he got to my waist then he looked at me to see if i wanted him to go down there i shook my head yes then he said okay then he pulled off my thong with his teeth then he put his warm tongue on my clit causing me to pull his blonde hair for him to go faster then he started flicking his tongue on me and i told him i was about to cum he said i know baby then he started fingering me harder and harder then i cummed all on his face and he licked all up sharing it with me then he pulled his pants down and getting a condom and putting it on i was kinda scared  because i haven't had sex in like 8 months and he was big so i just relaxed then he went inside slowly at a steady pace and then a song by him came on by him 2012 causing me to sing and say his name at the same time then i told him to go harder and go deeper then i told him to fuck me like it was the end of the world then he pulled my hair and put me in doggy style going fast hitting the right spots then he soon once came i did to and i layed on top of him trying to catch my breathe then he said can i asked you a question i told him yes then he said can i take you out on a date i told yes then we scheduled it in our phone for 8 o clock tomorrow but i know it is going to be award because we just had a one night stand so that was going to be problem so we ended up falling asleep with a smile on our face.

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