Family Time

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Today i was going to pick up Nami so we can go to Disney Land with me my family and it was a lot of us. Me and Chris is going out again next week and i think i am starting to like him a lot and i havent felt this way for some time know so i think we are about to be in relationship but i dont want to rush anything. I got a text from O'rayan saying that Nami says she misses you and llove you and she is ready to got to Disney Land i text back saying awww and can you come with us he texted back and said yea that will be cool so told him that i will be there in 2 hours so i decided to go take my shower and wash my hair so it can be curly i got out and put on my lace bra and pantie set and put on my robe because somebody was knocking on the door and it was my sisters i let them in giving them hugs and kisses and they wanted to get ready at my house and that was cool so i lotioned and put on some white high waisted shorts and a baby blue crop top with some toms then sprayed some perfume on me then but some shine to my hair since it is dry then my sisters were ready so we are renting a a big party bus for us then my family were going to meet us there so we go onto the bus with 4 big body guards because of my sister Mila and me also O'rayan so we was on our way to his house know so that was a little ride then we finally arrived there so i got off the bus and knocked at the door and Nami anwsered the door and said hey mommy jumping up and down it was so cute then i asked where is daddy she said he is putting on his shoes then soon once i said that he was walking down the stairs smiling saying hey Jhene i said hey and gave him a hug then we walked to the bus and Nami ran to her aunties and hugging and kissing them and we walked on the bus and sat down and listening to music and dancing and stuff and Chris called then i said hello he said hey boo i said hey bae then he said what is all that noise i told him it was my daughter dancing and playing music he said oh then i asked him what was he doing he said he was at the studio working on some music then he asked can we work on a song together i told him i would love that when to meet up to work on it he said after our date i told him okay then he said i got to go then i said bye then i hung up the phone then O'rayan said who you on the phone with scooting close to me trying to flirt and his coloane smelt so good and he was so fine but i smiled and said a co-worker he oh okay then my sister cleared her thorat and caughed very loud for me and him to hear then i asked what was that for i cant talk to my baby daddy then he looked at me with one eye brow then i said hold up i cant talk to the father of my child then i said is that better he said i liked the other one to i said what ever O ( O'rayan nick name) then 2 hours later we was at Disney Land with the fam and we was all excited we ate a lot of junk there and got on every ride there it was one of the best days ever then we didnt leave til it closed we hugged all our family members and kissed them goodbye then we went on the bus and dozed off O was the only one up and they already sisters off so he carried me into the room and layed me down and i woke up knowing i was some where diffrent then i looked around and seen that i was in O house so i went back to sleep because i know i was safe with me daughter in the next room.

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