Telling the family

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I am planning on calling the family up and have a big dinner so i can them the big news and yes Chris is going to be there because we are a couple know and i think we should tell them together and we are planning on singing our song to everyone to see what they think but i got to call and remind Chris and mu sisters so they can help me cook

*Sister Mila*

Mila- I am on the way okay

Jhene- Okay you know you like to forget stuff but call your other sister so we can go to the store

Mila- Okay be there in 30 min

Jhene- Bye

*Back to Jhene*

I cannot wait to see all my family tonight i already know how this night is going to end drunk but it is suppose to be like that with family when you have fun you know

I just wish my sisters will hurry up because it is time for us to go to the store and we need to go know so dinner will not be late and we got to make it to the liquor store before it close this so aggravating so when i decided to go lay down in my bed and scroll through my ig i see a picture of me and Chris and him saying i love my lovely lady Jhene she hold me down and i hold her down she is always to care for me and to love me when i am down this is what you can call a future wifey i just smiled to my self and repost it

I really did love this man he means a lot to and he is keeper but i am just hoping that he just don't fvck up because i don't wont to be hurt no more but my smiles was interrupted by a phone call with Chris and the door being banged so i answered the phone and the door saying hey to my sisters grabbing my purse so we can go so while i am on the phone with Chris he was asking did i see what he said i told yes and you are so sweet and i said i love you to then Chris said do i need help with anything i told him yes i need help cooking even though my sisters are helping i wont you to help to he okay baby what time i said come at 5 P.M he said that sounds good to me then i said i will call you back i have to go shopping with these annoying girls i call sister he laughed and said okay bye baby and tell your sisters hey i said okay and bye baby

We go into the store and get three carts full of food and wine and snacks even ice cream i had so much stuff Nami was going to be excited but her dad is going to drop her off at the house before my family so he won't get any ideas so i got that out the way so we go to check out and we going half on everything so tht was great because our stuff came up to 1,290 dollars i was dang then we loaded the trunk with the groceries and drove to the liquor store so while we was driving i texted Chris to ask him if he can stay the night so i waited for him to text back then he said yea i can i told him okay see you at the house so we at the liquor store and i don't know what to get because everything looks good so i got a bottle of Patron, Pineapple Ciroc, Vodka, and some Grey Goose then i got some lemons juice and pineapple juice so we paid and went to the house and my sister always be slow so i told them i will drive then my sister Mila talking about she be trying to hurry up and see tht man she said laughing i said hell yeah that is my man and he helping us thank you very much but my other sister is cracking up in the back as we argue on the way to the car so i got the keys from her and got in the car i plugged my phone to her Aux cord and put on Autumn leaves by Chris i just bought his whole album and i loved it so we made a instagram video of us singing and tagged Chris in it so i drove off speeding to the house

I finally made it to the house and Chris was parked in the driveway so i got out the car and ran up to him and kissed him and asked can he get some groceries out the trunk he said yea then on my way to the car i get a call from O saying he is on his way i said okay then we put all the groceries and started cooking because we only had 2 hours so we had to get on a move i was surprise that Chris can cook i said baby what can you make he said anything i said oh really i looked at him and kissed him i really wanted to have sex with him but that will not be happening right know so O was knocking on the door so answered it and Nami ran to me and hugged me and said mommy i miss you i said i miss you to so O looked at me and gave me hug then he said see you later then i walked upstairs to help get Nami straight i told her to take a shower and get dress and everything was almost ready we just waiting on our desserts me and Chris went upstairs to freshen up while my sisters were in the guest room doing the same so i got out the shower after Chris then i seen him standing up with his towel wrapped around his waist then water dripping down his abs i was staring at him and i didn't notice what i was doing but he was calling me and i finally heard him and i laughed in embarrassment and he was laughing to then he said i know i look i good baby then he walking towards me holding my head up kissing me then picking me up rubbing all over my body i knew what was about to happen i had to stop it i told him later on tonight okay he said okay mommie i laughed and put on my things and brushed my teeth and did my hair and make-up then i put on a simple dress that was tight in the right places and stuff like that and i put on my sandals and Chris wore so pants and a nice polo shirt he looked very nice then i came out the room to go see what Nami had on i looked at her twice and told her to turn around and she had the same thing i had on but hers was a little loose and i forgot i bout this for her then i put her hair like mines i took a few pictures and sent them to O then i walked out the bathroom and Chris looked at ud and said awww look at Nami then Nami said this is the man you was talking about mommy i told her yes i said do you like him she said yass mommy i really like him i laughed and said okay baby then Chris took pictures of us to then my sister came out looking cute with there skits and tops on so we took our desserts out the oven and next thing i heard a knock on the door and it was my family they all piled up and was asking who was the man beside me i told them that news is coming up after we eat okay so we ate and listened to music it was turnt we was all tipsy and dancing and stuff and the kids are tipsy off of candy and cake so i said know i can tell you who this sexy gentleman is he is my new boyfriend and i wanted to introduce him to y'all then everybody hugged him and said welcome to the family i was so happy then we danced a little more then people started to leave because it was getting late and Nami was ready to go to sleep i told her to go to bed and i already know she about to knock out and i am glad i didn't have to clean up a lot so my sisters gave me hug and kiss good night and i turned off all the lights down stairs and locked the door

Me and Chris went up stairs i cut off the light and turned on the tv to act like we was not about to do anything then i go t in bed with my bra and panties then he got in with just boxers then i layed down face to face to him them then said Chris you got clappers he looked at me and aid you looking at my ass know i laughed and said yea then he said i know baby i looked at him like he was crazy then he laughed which caused me to laugh then he grabbed my ass and i could feel him getting hard so i  him and speeded up the pace then and it was one of the 2 hours ever

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