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My baby girl has gotten so big sense my baby shower but she is on her way here any day know can not wait but mean while i am laying down in bed i feel something hot in my panties so i run to the bathroom and look down at my panties and it looked like snot so i thought about it and figured what it was it was my mucus plug meaning that she is on her way here so Chris realized that i wasn't in bed and it is 12 a.m in the morning and he came into the bathroom and asked what happen i said my mucus plug broke meaning that she will be here soon he looked like he was about to pass out so i took a quick shower and told him to go back to bed and that i will be back in a few minutes so i got out and put on a long shit and crawled in bed and kissed Chris good night because i was tired even though i wasn't going to get much sleep because my baby girl keeps kicking me  but i went to sleep anyway




* Few Hours Later

I woke up and made breakfast for Chris and i am planning just to have a chilled day and just lay around and maybe spend some time with my baby today sense Nami is with her dad for the day after Christmas so i may just go shopping for Nami and my baby girl again and bring Chris sense he is off today so i went upstairs just to annoy Chris and to make him happy again so i laid in bed with him and played with his ear and he hates when i do that so he told me to stop twice then he said do it one one more time Jhene so i touched his ear again he turned over and got between my legs and laid his head softly on my stomach and said what do you want to do i put my finger on my chin and said i don't know then he kissed me and layed back on my stomach and the baby kicked him right in his face i laughed and said that is what you get then he said Indya Latoya Brown you do not kick your daddy in his face then she did it again i said she must don't like your voice and he said yes she do then i asked him can we go to the mall he said yea because i want to get out the house too so we took our showers then i asked are we twining today he said yea he had on his white forces and some jeans and baby blue and i had on my forces and my baby blue pants and my white shirt with my flawless ponytail i took my my baby bag just in case something happen so we about to head out .




We arrived at the mall and getting out the car to the entrance had me tired as hell but the baby has been non stop moving so i think she maybe coming out so we go to champs and i buy like 3 pairs of shoes meanwhile Chris like buying 5 that boy is straight sneaker head then i went to the store to where i buy all my heels from well sometimes so i bought 6 pairs of heels that i am planning on wearing when miss Indya comes out then the fifth store we went to i couldn't hang my stomach tighten up then i told Chris to pay for his stuff and lets go then soon once i stood up i felt something coming out and Chris is just looking at me with his mouth open he said baby did your water brake i said yes then i said i have a contraction coming too he picked me and all the bags we had up and ran to the car then i started to breathe in and out then i told Chris to call my midwife (AkA Doctor Jackson) while he called her i moaned and breathe in and out slowly and he asked how far are the contractions i told him maybe 4 minutes apart she said we have her room ready when she when she comes i am suppose to have a nice natural/water birth i called my parents and Chris called his parents to meet him at the hospital



* Labor and Delivery Story

As we are on our way to the hospital Chris kept saying to breathe in and out and he rubbed my stomach as he was driving and before i could take another breathe i had a contraction coming like it was double then i told myself that i can do this so the nurse came out with a wheel chair and rolled me to my room while Chris parked and get the stuff out the car so meanwhile he is doing that i am getting ready so i put on my robe and walked around the hospital and Chris came and walked me back to room so he can change into some sweats and a black shirt the some slides so he came back out and came to me and asked if i was ready to go then i told him yea but wait because i have a contraction coming then i got up and hugged him started rocking left and right while kissing him when kissed him my constrictions felt like they was going away then then we walked a little and went back to the room because they had to check to see if the baby was ready she reached up there and said you are fully dilated i said yes finally so we went to the pool and it was the perfect temperature and i sat up and Chris held my hand as i breathe and i told the doctor i feel like i have to poop she said she must be ready so Dr. Jackson said when she counts to 10 she wants me to push so i did what she said she said okay 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 i pushed and i did that a good 3 times and my baby girl was here the doctor asked what was her name i said Indya Latoya Brown she said that is pretty then i held her and they took her to weigh her she was 6Ib and 12oz and 19inches she was a little long skinny baby i was happy that she was healthy and Chris came to me and said baby i knew you could do it i said thank you baby the nurses cleaned and they was getting ready to stitch me up they was going to 5 but i asked for 7 because i want my kitty to still be tight and right then i dressed my bundle and Chris told our parents to meet us at the house and they said okay but i was ready to go home and good thing we already had the car seat all we had to do is get out the car and i was getting dress getting ready to leave then Chris came in with the car seat and i put her in there and the nurse came with the wheel chair rolled me to the car and Dr.Jackson said hope i can deliver another i said maybe and i got into the car and we was  out




We are finally at the house and soon once i went upstairs to the nursery and sat down and Chris was going to get Indya they came upstairs and i can hear her start to cry so i pumped two bottles very quick and took the baby out his hands and i fed her then i called Nami an her phone she answered and said hey mommy i said hey baby and guess what she said what i said i had your baby sister she said really mommy i said yea i will send you picture and see you tomorrow she said okay mommy bye and love you i told her love you to then our parents came in and and said he Jhene how are you doing i told them that i am fine just tired they said okay we wont stay long they held the baby and talked a little and me and Chris looked at each other and yawn we was so tired the baby started crying a hour later i got her other bottle and gave to one of the grandmas and they fed her then i went into the room and pumped 4 bottles and put them in the refrigerator then i heard them that they are about to go i said thank goo i gave them kisses and i closed the door and locked it and i told Chris to put Indya in her basket net and put it inn our room and i we went up stairs and went to sleep while we can

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