The Next Day

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I  woke up to someone Nami calling me telling me to come downstairs so i woke up and walked downstairs and smelt eggs bacon toast pancakes fruit and had some orange jucie in the side and O said good morning i told him good morning while fixing my plate then he came up behind me and kissed my neck then i told him to stop then he smiled and said okay but he looked so fine. I had to control myself though so went into the living room and ate then freshen up and took some of his basketball shorts and t shirt and was on way out with Nami. 



When i got home i took another shower me and Nami was going to go shopping. So i called up my people (bodyguards) so they can take us and soon once we got there to the mall Nami went crazy she wanted to go to every store and everything i had no energy after chasing after that. So we went into Justice to get her few things then Champs also Journeys we bought so many clothes and shoes we everybody was coming out the mall with bags so we loaded my car and went back to house because Nami wants to play with her friends. 

So we are at the house and i am getting ready to cook dinner while Nami is outside. I deiced to make baked salmon rice with obay seasoning on top then i called Nami in the house for dinner. So Nami came in saying it smells good while washing her hands. We sat at the dinner table eating laughing and talking then after we decided to play a game then i got a message from O asking can he come over because he stressed out.

                                                              O POV

I texted J because i wanted talk to her about my life and how i want to change it and how i want to be better person. I want to start a new beginning for us i noticed how much i love her and miss her. I was starting to remember waking up to her laughs and smiles and kisses on my bodies i just miss everything about her thinking about this makes me want to change. I hope everything is going to go good.

Back to J 

I heard a knock on the door so i looked in a mirror near by and pushed up my boobs put some gum in my mouth and answered the door saying whats up and what is wrong. I told Nami to get ready and say good night to daddy she said okay she gave O a hug and a kiss then he looked at me and smiled. Then he said J i am very sorry for what i have done over the past few years i shouldn't have cheated on you when you was about to give birth i should have been by your side the whole pregnancy but i am so sorry. I told him that i forgive him and accept the apology then he leaned in and kissed me i tried not to kiss him back then i ended up kissing back then he leaned in more making it passionate taking off my clothes then he we went into my room turning on music then he slamming me on the bed taking off my thong and bra he started to stick his tong in pearl and was working it but i was also thinking that Chris can eat it better though then i flipped over and started grinding on him then he unbuckled his pants and pulled out his penis and sliding it into me causing me to scream as he was thrusting back and fourth inside me but it didn't feel the same as we used to have sex i screwed up but i enjoyed it little bit but as i was thinking i forgot i was having sex but was still moaning and stuff it was weird but oh well but in a hour we was done and i turned on my side of the bed and fell asleep feeling guilty because we shouldn't have let-ted it get to this point we cant be together and i am going to need him to get this through his head that it cant happen we just have to many problems that cant be fixed but he can be my side man if Chris fuck up  

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