(1 year later) Yay!!!!

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Today me and booka Chris anniversary so we was going to celebrate by going to Jamaica and O is taking Nami to school for like 4 days while i am wid bae so i am at the store with these jack asses that i call my friends Kesha and Latoya  and of course me baby girl Nami they are helping me pick out my outfits and stuff like that i am so excited. Me and Chris suppose to be meeting up in 4 hours so i had to hurry i loved spending times with my girls and laughing but i had to spend time with my baby because i wasn't going to see her for 4 days luckily i bought her a iphone so we can facetime each other. I told Nami if she needed anything to call me or if she didn't feel conformable to call her grandma and she should come and pick you up, she understood because she knows that her dad is a man hoe but i don't say that around her because O can be a good man when he wants to though but it don't even matter no more. Me and my girls went to the nail salon to get meddi peddis and a massage it felt so relaxing so after we was done the day was over with i was going to drop off my baby girl to O house, when we got there i hugged her so tight and said i love you baby and i am going to miss you and please be a big girl she said yes mommy i will and love you to bye mommy bye baby girl she said okay i told O to take good care of her while running to my car

I am on way home trying to hurry and take a shower and do all this stuff so i hurried and packed everything together and then cut on the shower and took a like 30 minute shower while i am getting out the shower i hear a knock at the door so i through on my robe and slippers and opened the door and it was Chris i hugged him and said happy anniversary and ran upstairs and telling him he can come up while i was putting on my clothes then i told him can he take my bags to the car he said yea so i put on a simple dress that was pink, baby blue and white and it was cute it was a little short dress then i put on my sandals and put my hair into a messy bun i didn't worry about makeup because my skin was always soft and pretty so i just got my self together and told Chris i was ready so we went to the car and he opened the door for me and i got in and he closed the door and ran to the other side and he cracked up the car and he muted the radio he said i wont you to hear something i said what is it he started the song back over and said i will be drunk texting you i laughed as i heard the song and him singing then i sung with him as he pulled out the driveway. We was on our way to to the airport to get on his private Jet.

We arrived to the jet and got on the plane then i surprised at how it looked it had a bed in it a tv and computers and stuff it was like another home just on a jet i loved it then i told Chris you living it big on a jet i see he said yea while laughing so as the jet was setting up to go up i sat down nexted to Chris and took pictures and made a flipagram then i went in the back and layed down on the bed then he noticed that i was gone for a while so he walked to the back and slap my butt and said why didn't you tell me you was back here i looked at him like he was crazy then i punched hims softly on his chest then he started to tickle me as i kept saying stop then he finally stopped and cuddled with me then i facetime my stankums because she should be on her way to sleep so i called her she answered and said hey mommy then she said hey Chris with a big kool aid smile i laughed and said what am i going to do with you child she said love me and take care of me i laughed and said true then she said daddy said i have to go to bed night mommy i told her night baby girl and hung up then i looked at Chris as he fell asleep i put my hand in his head and was playing with his curls that made him smirk then i kissed him on the lips and put my leg onto his leg and put my head on chest and took a little nap with him then i polit spook into the speakers and said we was about to land so i woke up Chris with a nice grind on top of him and a passionate kiss on the lips then he said baby stop i said we are here he got up and said finally we was on this jet for 10 hours but it was straight.

We got off the plane and got into our rental and we hired a driver because we don't know how to get to the hotel so we told the driver were then he took us there and me Chris sat in the back making videos then a few minutes we was there at the hotel but thankfully i now a little bit of there language so i said Mi ave reservations unda brown ( I have reservations under brown) She said room 232 i told her thank you and got onto the elevator and went to the room and it was like 1:00 a.m over here already so me and Chris looked at the view and the water from our bed and cuddling and fell asleep

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