Nami's Birthday Party

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Nami wants sleepover at the house so i am willing to give that to her for a her birthday and she wants to go ice sking so i invited family and friends and to bad i cant be in the rink with her but O was going to be there but he was just wasn't about to get close to me. O has to deal wid Chris because he is part of the family know and nobody cares about O feelings anymore

So I had to go grocery shopping for snacks and stuff for the sleep over because everybody was coming in a few hours so I rushed and picked some things out and was out of there because I had to go to the ice skating rink and meet them I told Chris to go pick up Nami from her grandma house and meet at the rink

•Calling Chris•

Bae-  Are you on u on your way?
J- Yes I just left the store and on my way and where is Nami?
Bae- She in the back seat sleep and how is my two baby's
J- We are good but she has been moving a lot today but other than that we good
Bae- He laughed and said she is ready to come out and see her daddy
J- No she is ready to see her mommy
Bae- We will see when she comes out we laughed but I got to go about to turn into the rink
J- Me to and bye

Turning into the rink and seen mostly everybody I invited and O staring at Chris because he has Nami in his hands so I walked over by O and said hey are you going to come in the building he said uhmmm so I said let's go
So me and him walked in, Chris and Nami ran to us she gave me a hug and O and Chris came up to and gave me a kiss that was felt with so much love
Everybody soon ordered there skates and started skating meanwhile everybody skating but me Chris and Mila we was just chilling and taking pictures
We stayed there for five hours just playing around and stuff like that so some of Namis friends came over the house it was only 3 of them so I didn't mind I told Chris to go get some ice cream and some movies for the kids to watch and i will meet him at the house
We started driving home and I had the kids so they was about to play in the room with Nami till Chris come back with movies and I can soak my ankles they are very big today so we pulled up in the drive way and the girls ran to the door and I finally walked up and unlocked the door I heard Nami say we got to go in my room and keep it down my mommy don't like that loud stuff I smiled and said this child is going to be so bossy then I seen Chris pull up with the stuff from the store he came in and asked where is the girls I said they are playing upstairs he oh then he said can we play I slapt his chest playfully and said hell no there is kids in the house I got dinner started for the girls and Chris i made something simple i cooked some fries and some fried chicken and corn and rice
We sat at the table and ate and i looked at the clock amd noticed it was 9 o'clock i saod go jead and make yall plates and stuff and put in your movies and i will ne down in a dew to check up on yall me and chris went upstairs and went in the bed i held his hand and asked him if he thought of any names he said yea a little then i said what about Zimri Samia Brown he said its cute but not cute enough for our baby girl then i thought some more and said Indya Latoya Brown he said he loved it and after we said the name she kicked me super hard i laughed and told Chris to feel he always say it feels freaky so after that i went downstairs and seen the girls sleep it was so cute then i covered them up amd eent back upstairs and gave Chris a good night kiss even though his ass was almost sleep i climbed into bed and knocked out

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