5 Months Later

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I am know 8 Months and we are having a girl and we just really just settling down in our new house me and Chris relationship is going good and bad at the same time. He comes home smelling like weed and something is just not right so yea i am going to find out when he comes home then i have to plan Nami's birthday party she is about to turn 8 know she is growing up so fast and she cannot wait to see her baby sister.

Chris walks in and gives me a hug and a kiss and my stomach then i asked can we talk he said yea so we sat in the living room and i sat on top of him saying Chris do you sell weed on the side of your career he looked at me then i said before you tell me a answer if you do please becarful and keep our family safe because i don't know what i will do if something happens he said Jhene yes i do i have smoked it a few times to but i promise to keep my family safe i love y'all to much for something to happen to y'all I said okay giving him a kiss Nami came down stairs and said mommy i am hungry i said i am to then i said what do you want to eat  she said i want some mash potato's, gravy and corn i said okay that does sound good then she said okay mommy then she went back in the room talking on the phone to one of her friends i looked at while he was act like he was sleep so i slapped his chests pain fully he still didn't wake up so i got up and went to the kitchen and dropped water on the floor and said Chris my water just broke he got up so fast and ran to the kitchen and looked at me i said i was just playing he said girl don't do that i laughed and got my baby mash potato's out put them in the pot getting ready to cook then

In the middle of cooking and playing with Chris in the kitchen i got a text i looked at it was from O he still haven't seen Nami and i hate that i have to do this but he should have thought about this before he decided to hit me so

O- i am really sorry may i please see Nami i am willing to do anything right know i just want to see her i miss my child i will never put my hands on you again just please let me see Nami

Chris seen the worry look on my face he came to me and said whats wrong i told him i hate the fact that i keeping Nami away from her father he keeps texting me talking about he wants to see her i mean should i let him, but then again i really don't want to stress about this Chris said if you feel like you are ready then let her go for a couple hours it is Saturday so after she eats let her go with her dad I told Chris thanks i gave him a hug and a kiss but then he said put a tracking device on her phone so he wont try no bull shit i was like true i called Nami down stairs and your phone she said okay she came  down i told her do she wants to go with her dad she said yes  i told her okay then i told her to unlock her phone then i found an app and connected to me and Chris phone so we can noe so i said her you go baby girl you can go back to dong what ever then i put the corn on and waited for it to heat up and i got a bag of chips and went to the living room and when i sat down the baby was moving so much i couldn't get confront-able then i told Chris to come here i said can you see what is going on with my stomach he said yea the baby is moving around so much then he said that is freaky then he came and touched it he said this is awesome feeling then she kinda calmed down so i stood up and fixed Nami's plate and told that her food was done

After all that i texted O that i can i meet him  so he can pick her up so i told Nami to pack a bag i told Chris to come with me he did that i haven't really told about the pregnancy i haven't been no where the paparazzi be so i was good an i only take face shots for know til my stomach get a little bit bigger but i know he going to be feeling some type of way but i don't care no more then Nami came down and said she was ready with her bag then i put my boots on and put my hair in a pony tail and it was like December so it was a little chilly i got the keys to the car and got in i drove to the place we was meeting at that was little close by then when Nami seen her dad she couldn't wait to get out the car she told Chris bye and i got out the car and told O hey and he took off his shades and said how many months i said 8 he said wow he said you having a boy or a girl i told him a girl he said congrats i said thanks and i told Nami bye an a kiss and told O bye and went on about my business then Chris looked at me and said you clappers know i laughed and said shut up while laughing i said didn't my ass get big he said yea and i like it a lot i laughed and said i bet so he said can i get some tonight sense your ass was just a big turn on i said yea if i don't fall asleep he said please fall asleep and i will sneak laughed an okay Chris you going to get some period we pulled up in the parking lot and went in the house and i took a shower and i told Chris to let me take a nap first then he said okay so while i am in the shower i am relaxing and here comes Chris i laughed and told Chris to get the fuck out the bathroom he said no he got in with me and shut me up with a kiss and said i love you then he grabbed my ass and smacked it hard and i screamed as i felt it sting in the hot water i told him to stop then he did it again i hit him playfully then he looked at me i said if you stop we go for more rounds then he hurried and wash while i got out i just put my robe on and waited on him in bed he finally came out and he came to the bed and kissed me all the way to my clit then he massaged my breast while doing it and i don't think he should have did that because some milk came out and in the middle while i was moaning i said Chis to stop grabbing my boob milk is coming out he laughed and stopped kept doing what he was doing and it is harder when you are pregnant to have sex then he slid his dick in so deep i couldn't do nothing but ty to catch my breathe then he started going in and out making me feel even more horny so i said lets flip over then i got on top and started to ride him and in the the mist of me moaning i tilt my head back and told Chris i was about to cum i rode him even faster then i cummed all over dick then i licked it off and kissed Chris and told him that was what you wanted he said yes i didn't think you still had it i laughed and said you tried and walking to the bathroom with him behind me we was about to brush our teeth and call it a night but i don't think i will getting much sleep because my baby girl is kicking the shit out of me

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