BaBy ShOwEr (Finally)

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Its finally my baby shower and i decided to have it the day i turn eight months and i already knew it was going to be a hell of a day

Chris is still doing his little side job and i cant say i am okay with that because you never know what can happen but enough about that because it is my day to shine and have the all attention on me

So i have my sisters getting the food and my cake so my precious baby girl and i have to go pick up my banner that was custom made and my dress and shoes that was also custom made i couldn't wait to see my dress and see how everything was going to be set up

As i am just laying in bed i forgot that i got stuff to do i turned over to the other side and seen Chris knocked out i smiled and gave him a kiss and got out bed and a big ass kick came unexpected right on my pelvis and i screamed a little bit as i held the dresser Chris woke up so fast to see what was up he came to me and said are you okay i told yes it was just a big kick then as he was just telling me to breathe and walking back to the bed she kicked me in my back i breathe slowly and said i am really not ready for her to come out right know it is still a little early he said baby that is up to the baby if she wants to come out or not i laughed and said she finally stopped and Chris said you ready for your day i told him yes as i walked to bathroom to cut on the shower

I got out the shower and smelt something cooking so that was my key to hurry up to do what i got to do so i can go steal Chris food so i lotioned up my body really good because ain't nobody got time for stretchmarks then i put on my panties and bra set then put on my white long sleeve shirt  and my white and blue joggers with my white toms then i went into the bathroom did hair and makeup, and brushed my teeth

I walked downstairs and hugged Chris and i seen his plate of food behind him so i took one hand and grabbed it then i gave him a long kiss pulling it close to me then i finally had it in my hand then i took it he didn't notice what i did til i sat at the table and starting eating. I had to rub it in his face then Nami comes downstairs then i told her to go take her shower and i will make her something to eat and we about to go she okay mommy i grabbed some pancakes and some sausages. I told Chris that i will make him so more food because i ate his and that shit been good asf so a few minutes Nami came down with some overalls on and some Jordan's on she looked fly and i did her hair while she was eating her food because we had to go and i have t be on time i have almost 300 people coming so i have to look SEXY i asked Chris if he could drop off my make up bag he said yea so me and Nami went into the car to go get my stuff

It was 12 p.m and my shower is at 5 so i had a little time i got my dress it was so beautiful it was sheer at the bottom and it covered my vagina with a some fabric and my boobs other than that i had everything was sheer you could see how big my baby girl was. My dress was baby pink and cream i just loved it and Nami dress is actually in the trunk hers is pink with some other colors in it but i really need to go get my banner because this stores be tripping on Saturdays always be closing early and stuff so i went into the store and  told the ladies that i am here to pick up a order that i had custom made she said name i said Jhene she said wait one minute i told her okay  she came out with the banner and she tossed it to me and it fell on the floor and i am 8 months pregnant and does look like i am going to be bending over just because she was being rude then Nami said mommy i got it i told her no Nami let this Lady come pick it up so i walked over to the Lady and told and said bitch don't you see that i am pregnant and big as hell why the hell would you through something at me and she said maybe i didn't want to walk it over to you at that point i blacked out and punched her right in her face then i told Nami to come on and i picked up off the floor and left laughing

So i called my sisters and said that i am on my way and asked if everything was okay they said yea then i hung up with them and told Chris that he don't have to take my make up bag there because i need to go back to the house and take a shower and Nami so we can put on our dresses so i made it home and i got the stuff out the trunk and stuff and our shoes and walked into the house and Nami said hey daddy Chris he said hey Nami then i said hey baby and we all went upstairs then i said Nami look at your dress she said she loved it so i said take your shower and i will help you put it on she said okay i  went into my room and got into the shower came out and put on my robe and went into Namis room and she was out then i told her to put on some lotion and i put the dress on her and i awww look at my stankums she laughed and i straightened her hair and let her where her hair down then she out on her flats then nest thing you know she is taking pictures i told her i cant with you Nami and left the room and out on my dress that i had Chris help me with then i asked him if he was going to come he said yea at the end i said okay then he walked me into the bathroom and took some pictures and i turned around and said baby you make me feel so special he said i am suppose to do that i am your boyfriend and soon to be husband i looked at him and smiled and gave him  a long kiss and Nami call herself sneaking in there and took a picture and she forgot she had her flash on i laughed and said Nami girl then i said let me see the picture she actually took a good picture then i showed Chris then i sent it to me and him and i put on my sparkly heels then i took some pictures with Nami and Chris then i gave Chris a good bye kiss and you better be there when you think it is time for it to end he said okay

Baby Shower Time





I pulled up to the location i was having my baby shower and was already crowed i just like damn can me and my child find our seats then when i walked in everybody notice it was me they said hey and all these hugs was ridiculous and all i kept doing was looking at a chair i texted my sister and said i am here and to tell everybody to get out my damn way she hurried and replied and said okay i could hear her voice on the microphone telling everybody to move out the way then i was finally cleared and i could walk through it was the best feeling ever then i seen my table and me and Nami sat down and talked to people and played games one game my sister planned was so stupid why buy all this toilet tissue and tell people to measure my stomach i laughed at her for that then i seen O's brother girl friend Apryl and she is like 3 months into her pregnancy  i told her you suppose to be sitting up here with me you family she laughed and said i know girl and you look so pretty i told her thanks and you to and we went on to the dance floor and danced a little then i seen lights come through the window and i looked to see who it was i looked and seen it was Chris i said thank you Jesus and he brung the truck because all this gifts will not fit in my car Chris had on a pink polo shirt with some white pants and he decided to where his floral KD'S that i got him then i waved at him to come near us so he came then it was time for us to open the gifts and i told everybody that i only opening 25 gifts because it is a lot so Chris helped me then when we was done with the 25 i got the mic said i want to thank everybody for coming and getting my baby girl gifts and for being supportive and all that and i want to thank you Chris for everything you have done there is never a dull moment when i am with you and i love you then i said thank you again and know and i had everybody go outside so we can clean up so we took all my gifts and put them in the truck well everybody's cars then we left and went to the house took everything out the car put it in the babies room then i looked twice at the room and i said Chris did you do this he said yes he painted it and everything it was so pretty i was just about to get started on that like tomorrow but i am glad he did it and its 9 o'clock right know and i am more than tired so my sisters kissed me good night and all that good stuff and i went into Namis room to see her in her pjays and already sleep so i said well i am about to lay down to so i put on my pajamas and climbed into bed with Chris cuddling him and kissing him then i felt the baby kick me 10 times harder than earlier Chris said is my baby girl kicking you i told him yea he said yea he kissed my stomach and rubbed it and i feel asleep on Chris because his massage felt so good on my stomach

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