His is here to confront me

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O asked me if i can come over while Nami was at school and it is 10 O'clock in the morning and Chris took Nami to school for me sense i wasm't feeling good then he went home but i really wanted to know what was going on so i got out of bed feeling dizzy then my walking turned into running to go to the bathroom to throw up my stomach was hurting i just didn't feel good then i turned the shower on to see if that made me feel better then i started to think every sense last month from Jamaica i have been feeling kinda sick but i forgot about it and got dress i put on some joggers and a crop top did my make up and hair put some shoes on and was on my way to his house

i got in to the car and took that drive that i didnt want to go on then Chris called and asked if i was home i told him that he wanted to talk and i think it is about his mother but can you meet there and stay in the car because i am scared and plus i really don't feel good Chris said he would be there around the corner i told him okay so i parked in the street and got out feeling dizzy again so while i am walking up the driveway so many things are running through my mind then i knocked he came and i seen Chris park around the corner being sneaky so O wont realize so i gave him a hug then he said come in i told okay i sat down and said what do you want to talk about O whats going on while holding my head he said why do you have this Chris around my child and taken pictures and uploading them on ig why he said walking up to me screaming why would you let him even be around her he slapped me and i fell and he told me to hush then he slapped me again and told me to get out then i said why would you do this to me i lefted crying and Chris seen me he ran to my car and held my face and said what the fuck did he do to you he slapped me because you was spending so much time with Nami he said fuck that Chris ran up to the door and kicked it open and just started to punch him and slamming him on the ground when Chris came out he had blood all on his shirt from O's nose and i told Chris to come on crying then he followed me home then i opened the door and Chris picked me up and took me to the room because at this point i was about to pass out this was too much for me i just got beat and i don't feel good this is the worst pain ever Chris called my sisters over then Chris just layed beside me and just kissed me and told me everything is going to be okay i will be here to care and love you then i kissed him and told him thanks but in my head i was thinking he will never see his daughter again then another thing flashed in my head i haven't had my period in like 3 to 2 months i have been that busy not realized my mouth dropped then Chris said what's wrong i told him you know why i was sick this morning well not feeling good he said yes then he said what do you think is the problem i told him haven't had my period in like 2 to 3 months he looked at me and and touched my stomach and said so you think that you are pregnant i told yea i just thought about it he said do you want to go to the store i told him sure but i went to mirror and seen my face and seen red prints i sucked it up and said be strong then i put makeup over it and told him lets go then my sister came before i could go to the car they hugged me and said what did that bitch do i told them the story and Mila was getting very mad my other sister said she couldn't take it so she went to the car then Mila said okay i got something for his ass that made me laugh a little and i told her not to do anything stupid

Me and Chris is at CVS Pharmacy and got two boxes of pregnancy test then we went to the check out then we got to the car i was nervous but then i plugged my phone to my radio and put on Autumn Leaves and Chris looked at me and said really i said i like this song he laughed and said you just like how the way my voice sound i laughed you right we was home i drunk a lot of water so i can pea before i can even get done peaying the thing beeped when it beeped it said positive then i took the other one and it did the same thing i came out and Chris looked at them and said what you want to do i told him i am not going to get rid of it i am just going to take it day by day and get use to it again he said okay then he gave me a kiss then i told him i am about to go get Nami he said i am going with you because i cant have nothing happen to my baby no more i told him okay then we went to the school and Nami was waiting then she got into the car and said hey mommy hey daddy-Chris she found a new name for i laughed then she said can we have some ice cream i told her yea i have been eating ice cream for a couple weeks and never get tired of it so i didn't care so i got her vanilla and i got vanilla swirl milkshake it was so good then Chris talking about lord Jesus if y'all not the the dairy family y'all eating ice cream i laughed i said i love ice cream know we was on i our way to the house then we said we was going to chill sense it was Friday and we didn't have anything else to do but me and Chris did we had to make a doctors appointment so when we got to the house that is what we did and we changed into a some confront-able pajamas and watched the rain and watched movies and played music and games it was fun

This has been a day full of surprises and enjoyment memories what could happen next hope nothing bad i don't know if i can take anymore  

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