Should We Tell The Public

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So it is Thursday and it is 3:27 P.M and i am watching Wendy "How You Doing" so as i am watching and i hear about all the drama i soon hear i think there is secret couple going out there in the world and i just had a feeling that she was talking about me so i turned it up loud as i was washing the dishes then she said her is Chris Brown new girl Jhene Aiko i smiled at what she said she said i hope this couples do well and not mess nothing up they are nice young people but i wish the best for them and soon once she said that i got a phone call from Mila i want it to go to vociemall but i knew that she was going to blow my phone up because i knew what she was going to say 

Jhene😍- Hello 


Jhene😍- She is telling the truth me and him made it official 

Mila😘- Yay but why didn't you tell me wait twin is calling (Meaning other sister)

Miyoko💗- Did you hear about Jhene and that man 

MIla😘- Jhene is on the line with us LOL

Jhene😍- Yea so what about my man 

Miyoko💗- Well is it true because people who are close to you phones are going off like crazy you know 

Jhene & Mila- Yes it is true okay 

 Miyoko💗- Okay so when are we going to meet up 

Jhene😘- Yall can come over for a little bit before Nami come home from dads house 

Mila & Miyoko- Okay be there on 30 min 

After i got off the phone with my sisters i got another phone call that i really didn't won't to answer til i seen it was my boo Chris so my feelings changed i picked up the phone and said hello then i heard a sexy voice say hayy baby i smiled and said wyd he said nothing wishing you was with me i said oh really he said yea i said how about i come over later on and make your wish come true he said bae sounds kinda freaky today i said you got damn right while laughing he said i bet you wont say nothing when i tear it up tonight i laughed and said then prove me wrong big daddy Chris he laughed and said okay save all that for tonight and i got to get back to work baby so text me when you can come over okay i told him okay love you and talk to you later 

I had to make my self look presentable because i had to get Nami from her dad house and i really hope she did all her homework at his house so we won't have to struggle with it 

So i get in my car and hook my phone on to the aux cord so i can listen to my music on my phone so i was scrolling through my phone and looked for a song i can jam to so i finally found one it was Trey Songz Cake that was the jam so i pulled out the drive way turning the radio to it hit max i was just riding around bobbing my head and dancing while speeding hoping that i won't get pulled over so i slowed down a little bit but was still kinda over the speed limit but fuck it that was how i was feeling but i finally arrived to O house he was outside playing wid Nami when i pulled up so i watched them play for like a hour and then i told Nami to come her then i asked if she had any homework i said to myself thank god so i said okay i told her to get her stuff then O came to me and said so i see you moved on i said maybe i did but what does that have to do with  you he laughed and said nothing it was a saying i said okay giving a hugging him then whispered in his ear and said you will always have a place in my heart giving him a kiss on his cheek and getting in the car with Nami then he said i believe you i smiled and pulled off 

Me and Nami was jamming to the music i wish me and my baby girl could go out together and have fun but i got a while for that so when i got home i forgot my sisters was going to come because they waited late to come so when i pulled up i was attacked by them freaks they talking about where you been i said don't see my child is right here and i just picked her up thank y'all very much for trying to put me in cheek so i unlocked the door and went to the kitchens and sat at the table with my sister and said y'all won't to see me and Chris pictures they said yea i showed them like maybe 100 pictures that we never ed showed anyone yet because we said we was going to wait so i decided to show my sisters for know then i told Nami to come here she came running down stairs and said yes mommy i told her to seat down with your aunties she said okay i said mommy have to tell you something she said what is it mommy i told her you know the man named Chris Brown she looked at me confused so i said your favorite song named New Flame she said yea then said can we spark flame i said yea him she said what about him i told her that when ever mommy calls the babysitter over here is because I am with Chris okay and i don't wont you to fell like you are in danger or anything okay and Chris may even come around sometime so you can meet him okay she said okay and went back up stairs to go on her phone so me and my sisters was talking and taking pictures like usually but then soon left me but i was happy because i had to get ready for my boo so i called my babysitter and told that i was going to be going somewhere and if she is free tonight i said if you want to you can bring 3 friends over or something she said okay and i made my babysitter rich as i don't know what she got so many celebrities calling her to watch there kids and i told her i would make her dream come true by becoming famous and that finally happened so that was a god thing 

I went and took my shower and put on my thong set and lotioned up and put on something that can i can hurry and slip off so i put on my clothes and flats and did my hair and brushed my teeth then my baby sitter arrived i gave her money to her she smiled and put it in her bag then she walked in and cut on the tv and chilled then i walked out got in my car drove to Chris house and text him and said i was on the way 

30 Minutes later i pulled up to his house and knocked on the door he opened the door to loud music playing i walked in the house grinding and laughing then i gave him a kiss while dancing with him then as we started dancing the vibe started to change it was more touchy feely and i was loving where his hands was going it was turning me on in a way i loved it then he started to touch me in my inner thigh and moved up to my pearl massaging it then he picked me up and then we were standing face to face kissing then we went in to his room he laid me down softly kissing me while i was grinding on him he was moving my hips for me to grind on him faster then that is when he finally had enough and took me off the top of him and pulled down his pants and put on the condom then he sled in me slow and it felt so good he continued to do that and go fast a little bit he was finally making love to me then my legs started to shake because i was about to hit my climax and i started to give up and tried to stop having sex with me he said baby you can't run away from it know then he started to go faster and it finally arrived and i had the biggest organism ever and it was the best then i kissed Chris and  said you did prove me wrong and started laughing and he said i told you but it time for mr and misses to go to sleep and calm down i laughed and said you tired her out he said i bet so and gave him a kiss good night 

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