Doctors Appointment & Looking for houses

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Today me Chris was going to the doctor to see the baby and we are looking for houses. We decided that we are about our relationship and when we have our house warming we want to tell our parents all the news so we have to be prepared to tell them everything even about how long we been together so it was going to be a night but i am doing my make up and Chris ass is still sleep so i walked over and got on top of him telling him to wake up then i stared at him and his shirtless body then he woke up and stole a kiss and said good morning baby then i laughed and said baby your breathe he said i know who told you to be close by my mouth i laughed and said true i said go take your shower so we can get the day started he said okay

*Whats Going On Wid O*

Ever sense he hit me i have been avoiding him and he cant see Nami no more til i feel like he can get his life rite but we are going to court so he can start paying me child support because its shame you hit me and i really didnt do anything to you all you had to say is that i dont like Chris hanging around Nami like that but he overeacted so it is a what ever

Chris came out the shower and i was trying to fix my right eye because i was doing a wing so i was dong that and he must have new i didnt have on any drawls yet and he was naked to then while i was fixing my wing in the mirror i just see him standing up behind me and him looking down but i didnt really pay attention to what he was doing then while i was in the mist of thinking i felt something was in me and i didnt feel it any more then i felt it again and moaned then i looked back it was Chis sticking his dick inside me then he said you didnt notice did you i told him nope then i told him to hold up while i fix my eye then he said okay then i finished then i said you want to finish what you started he said of course he started kissing me all the way down to my pantie line then he said you got a belly know i smiled as i looked at it but then i said stop wasting time he laughed and said okay then he started to lick my clit and flicked his tougue all over causing my peral to be very wet it was the best feeling ever while he was eating he was fingering me and moaned and told him i was about to cum he said wait baby he took out his dick that was rock hard then he stuck it in slowly i sofely moaned while he was going in harder soon he started to pounded me to the point you can here it but  it felt so good then i told him to slow down then we cummed all over him then i gave him a kiss and told him we have to hurry up and take another shower

We got out the shower and put our clothes on i put on some leggings and a cute shirt with some jays then Chris whore some pants and a sexy as shirt then some KDs so we asked him who car was we taking he said his i said okay so he opened the door for me and i got in he ranned to the other side and said where are we going first i said the doctors appointment then i got his aux cord and plugged into his radio and put on my song No Type By Rae Sremmurd i turnt his radio on til it was on max Ion got no type bad bitches is the only thing that i like Chris looked at me and said if you dont calm your pregnant self down i said wht eva and continue jamming i started twerking in my seat he put the song on pause while i was dancing i said why did you that he said because you getting a little to happy and we are here i laughed and said you know you like my dancing he laugh and coughed and said only on this dick i laughed and said wht eva Chris i said laughing i went to the desk and she gave me some papers to sign then i will be ready to go so it took me 5 minutes to sign then i gave it to the lady then 3 minutes later the nurse called us to the back and should us our room then i sat on the table and she said your doctor will be here soon and i said to myself they about to take forever it took them bitches 15 got damn minutes to come in the room then doctor Jackson came in and said

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