ignore me all day, yet you cry when I decay?

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Everyone in the castle was sick of Lance's endless talking, so they had a small game to play with him.

The rules were simple, just ignore Lance. And if he tried to talk to you when you walked away from him, yell. Just yell and scream, make it look like you were in pain because of his annoyance. And who ever made him cry first was the winner.

" Isn't this too much..? " asked an unsure Hunk." Its just a game, what harm can it do?" Pidge explained. Hunk shrugged." Well I'm not participating in this game of yours, it seems quite harsh. " Coran Twisted his moustache." Yeah I'm with Coran. " Hunk stood from the dining room table and walked over to Coran. " Suit yourselfs party-poopers, its gonna be so funny when he freaks out! " Pidge exclaimed.

But Lance was right outside the door. He heard their words. He heard them all. Little did they know Lance had been waiting months for this day to come. For them to not insult his every move. For them not not blame him for anothers mistake. But he wouldn't cry, that would make him weaker then he already was.

The next day rolled around, Lance was talking to Hunk about how to make space pancakes. Allura walked in and grabbed a water," Hey Allura. " Lance said before talking to Hunk. Hunk didn't even say anything, just glared at her and went back to listening to Lance.

Allura noticed quickly and asked Hunk if he was alright. Instead of a nice Hunk-y gesture, he scoffed. Lance was a little surprised. He's never seen Hunk do that.

" Hey, is there something wrong..? " Lance asked Hunk. Hunk looked at him then back at Allura, which she had a smirk. " Nothing at all Lance! Sorry, I'm not in the best mood. " said Hunk through gritted teeth.

" Hey Allura, let me have a moment wi-" " Shut up! " Lance smiled on the inside. " Get out of here please, princess. " Hunk growled. Lance again, was very surprised. Yeah Hunk was his best friend, but Hunk seems so infuriated about the game.

Allura seemed a little upset," Y-you can't talk to me like that! My position is much higher than yours! I am a princess, and you are a paladin, I give you orders, you follow! " Allura said. Lance thought she was offended, but at the same time he didn't actually care about her.

He just couldn't wait until their next unexpected battle to come flying his way, and to have a way to say," The blue paladin died in battle, he was a strong man, and his death would not be in vein. "

-_-four days later-_-

Lance got on every bodies nerves even more, and all because he wanted to have an excuse to die.
" Hey pidge! "
She walked away.
" Hey pid- "
" Ugh! Just shut up! You're being so rude and annoying! Just shut your pathetic mouth! "
" 'Kay. "

Lance walked to his room, and pidge smirked. She followed him and watched through the cracked door, but she did not expect to see what she did. Lance was cackling, dying of laughter." Thats so funny, what a great way to offend me and my idiocy! H-how wonderful..! " Lance laughed so hard, He was crying. Pidge saw the tears, but she didn't want to take that for a win. She was more scared then anything. She wanted to back away and never wanted to see something like that again, but her curiosity got the best of her. " It's so funny to me..that-that she thought that I wasn't already a mess and annoying..! Oh my goodness, that was a great joke, right Pidge..? " Lance asked. Pidge couldn't tell if he knew she was there, but what she did know was that she was either leaving now or something bad happen to her, so she booked it.

Lance was in fact, not aware of Pidge's presence, but then he heard foot steps. And that freaked him out. He noticed that the door was cracked, and he was not having that. He forced the doors shut, and locked them.  Sweat dripped from his forehead. Before his anxiety could spiral out of control:

" Get to the lions! The Galra are attacking! "

" How lovely..! "

-_-In battle-_-

" Lance you dodo bird, south, not east! "

" Oh my god, Lance, what has gotten into you?! Its not that hard to shoot the target! "

" I'm trying my best, you guys aren't even watching me, I'm all the way- "

" Shut up and focas on the mission, you excuse of a paladin!" Keith's words struck Lance's heart. In a good kind of way though. It made him laugh, and snicker with delight."  Haha! Silly, I know that I'm an excuse! Yo-you don't have to tell me that I am, just leave it all t-to me, Okay? " and that sent shivers down their spines." Focus on battle now, deal with the mistake later! " Lance said joyfully. And everyone did just that.

It was silent for majority of the fight. That was until. . .

" AHHHH- "

then all communications with blue were cut off.

Then Lance's face popped up on everyone's screen, including the galra." Lance come in! " "..." " Hey! Hello!? " then the screen started to speak.

" If you receive this message, it means I've been uhm, killed? Most likely like butchered cause y'know, y'all don't give a crap about me. Heck I could probably be throw into an endless void of space and time, and when I got back you would be mad because I missed training haha!  "

They all stared at the hologram, tears either falling or about to.

" Just to be clear with you guys, I knew about your little game you were playing with me. You guys just were too blind to realize I was right at the door! Goodness, I tried talking to you more to have an excuse to die! Not because I actually wanted to talk, you doofs! Special thanks to Coran and Hunk though, made me feel just dandy! Okay, I'm done, I don't have anything else to say except I thought shiro was better then this!" The hologram shut down

Shiro looked down in disappointment. Everyone was guilty. But Lance got his wish, his death was not in vein.

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