eating disorders suck

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When Lance began to realize he falls into Keith's shadow back at the garrison, that made him feel...miserable. Lance took notes of Keith, which Hunk and pidge thought were for love. But really, it was so he could be like him.
He purchased black hair dye, but Hunk said he would look ugly. And that hurt Lance, he knew he was ugly, but he didn't want his friend to say that to him.
He tried colored eye contacts, but he only hurt himself.
He even tried to paint himself pale, but a teacher caught him. They asked," Why are you painting yourself white? " and," What's the matter honey? " and he said,
" I'm trying to be someone that I wasn't before, but everyone keeps stopping me and I don't know why. " and the teacher had a clue on who this person was.
The teacher set Lance up with a councilor to help him and his mental state. Which Lance appreciated, but there was one thing that no one noticed.

He stopped eating.

He noticed how Keith was skinny, yet strong. So he said he would fast for a whole week. That week turned into a month. That month turned into 2 and so forward.

Keith flunked out, yet everything was the same. He was compared to him, told things Lance already told himself:
You'll never be a good pilot
What's wrong with you
Why do you breathe
How about you go jump out the window.
Shut up
No one likes you
You have no friends
I regret even speaking to you
And so many more, Lance couldn't even keep track.

Hunk saw that Lance was very skinny, and confronted him about it. Lance said he was being silly and that he had been eating just fine. When lunch was over, he would eat small crumbs from his tray, and throwed away the rest.

Then Shiro came flying his way, literally and metaphorically. He saw Keith again, and that made him shudder slightly. Then they went to Keith's( crusty ) little shack, Lance shook hands with Shiro. They smiled at each other then moved on to the so called lion markings on the cave walls.

They finally got to the cave, and everyone thought it was stunning. Lance's stomach growled lightly, Lance blushed and held his stomach, if there was anything there to actually hold. Lance grazed the walls with his hand and they lit up, it was a beautiful sight. Before anyone could say much, they all fell through a hole that appeared from the ground. Then they hit the rock bottom of the cave, drenched in water. But instead of finding bats, they found a huge, blue mechanical lion. Lance and Keith went to explore as everyone else stayed back. " Theres gatta be some way to open this," Keith poked and prodded and the shield protecting the lion." Maybe you just have to knock. " Lance knocked on it twice, and to his surprise, it actually opened. Lance's stomach growled again and Lance's blush came back to his face," You hungry or somethin?"  Keith asked. Lance waved his hand and shook his hand," No, I am not. " Lance walked up into the lion, everyone else just staring.

Now they're running away from the now known as," Galra war ship. " and as they're running flying off into space, they see kerberos. And in plain shock, everyone stays quiet.

They arrive at the altean castle and meet Allura and Coran, they get settled in, and they start their routines as paladins..

-_-time skips-_-

It had been months and months now, and everything's been going great. Except everytime it was breakfast, lunch, or dinner, Lance would play with his food, give majority to Hunk,  and ate the crumbs.

Lance was in his bathroom with only his shorts on, poking his rib cage when he heard someone knock on the door. Lance hid his torso behind the wall as the doors open. It was Shiro." Hey Lance, can I come in? " Shiro asked, completely ignoring the fact Lance had no shirt.' This is shiro! If he figures out what's wrong with me and how much of a stick I am, he'll be triggered. Then again, Keith and Shiro are close, and Keith was the best pilot, so even if he does see, I could just tell him I'm on a diat so I could be as good as keith!' Lance thought." Of course, just a second! " Lance tried to close the door, but was stopped from Shiro opening it back up. " Can I see your full body please? " He asked softly. " I don't have a shirt, goof! " Lance giggled away his anxiety. Shiro had a stern look in his eyes, and that frightened Lance. Lance sighed and looked away," Promise not to get mad? " he whispered. " Of course " but before Shiro even set foot in his room Lance covered his eyes." Keep then closed until I say so.."

Shiro thought this was a little over the top but didn't say anything. Shiro covered his eyes as Lance took away his hands and stumbled over to Lance's bed." Okay.. " Lance's voice was not so cheerful and happy and dandy. It was just so sad. Shiro uncovered his eyes a gasped. " You're so..skinny? " Shiro looked more worried than mad. " Are you eating right? "
" No.. "
" Why?"
Lance sat down on my bed and looked at himself." You know how Keith is the best of the best right? " lance whispered. Shiro shook his head," you're equa-" " Garrison, Shiro. At the garrison, Keith was the very top, and I fell in his shadow. If only people would let me be him instead. But no, you all keep stopping me! " Lance raised his voice. " I tried to dye my hair black but Hunk said I would look ugly! I tried to use eye contacts, but I only poked and jabbed my eyes! I tried painting myself pale, yet a stupid teacher caught me! Everyone told me to be Keith, but how am I supposed to be him if everyone stops me?! I knew how to, and that was to stop eating. Keith is skinny yet strong, I was slightly tubby, so I fasted. But that fasting turned into a disorder! I don't eat cause all I do is throw it back up! Tell me all you want' Oh Lance, don't be so sad! Everything is okay!' But it's not! Nothing is okay! I'm not okay, and I never will be! I-" Lance was cut off by shiro pulling him into a hug and stroking his hair. Lance was furious, yes, but he was so sad and broken too. He just wanted to be praised, and loved, and liked..just like how Keith was. Lance went from yelling to sobbing in a matter of seconds.

Shiro rocked back and forth while whispering sweet nothings into Lance's ear. " W-why do yo-you care so-so much..? " Lance breathed out. " I care for you Lance, I want to see you healthy. " Shiro placed his lips on Lance's forehead. " I'm s-sorry Shiro.. "
" For what? "
" Being such a bother, you already have so much to worry about, and here I am being selfish.."
" Its okay.. I don't mind at all. " Shiro peppered Lance in little kisses, something Lance wasn't used to. But he loved it.

After that Lance ate small, small bites. That escalated to little snacks, to bigger ones, to full meals. It took time, but Shiro pushed him hard enough, and now though he hasn't gained the average weight of an 17 year old, he gained over 35 pounds.

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