Listen to the rules, or appear a fool

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I didn't have all the Money in the world. I wasn't the richest family on the block either. I was just a Cuban boy, surrounded by rich white children( I'm not being racist,  don't harras me plz ). Because my father wasn't a very good father, we suffered a lot. Money wise( PENNYwise? anyone? okay sorry ) and pain wise. Every time mama would try to contact someone, anyone, for help, he would lock me and mama in his," Play room. " Where multiple torturer objects and experiments were used. When my excuse of a papa filed a bankruptcy, we had to move to the ghetto. Mama had to get a job while papa just stayed at home.

I was always taught to follow the rules. Wait, no, I wasn't taught anything. It was ingrained into my head to follow all rules, strict or not. The rules at home were very strict and unreasonable. But if we broke one or couldn't get something done we would be punished. I was the test subject for everything, literally. Papa got a new pocket knife? " Oi mocoso número cuatro! ¡Ven aquí para que pueda usar este cuchillo realmente bueno y afilado en ti! (Oi brat number four! Come here so I can use this really good and sharp knife on you! ) " And me being me, I would run over to him and hand over my entire being. My life, my soul, my rights, Everything. Rules are who I am, if I don't have any, then I'm useless! Heck, I still have papa's rules memorized word for word!
1. Don't speak unless spoken to.
2. You may only sleep if papa says so.
3. If hungry, beg.
4. Last but not least, listen to the rules, or appeal a fool.
The fourth one scared us the most because we didn't know what it meant. We knew nothing of the man that my mama married. I'm not mad at her though, when we first met him he was very nice to us. But once he slid that ring of her finger, we were striped of our dignity and striped of our happy lives. Papa said I was special, so he gave me more rules than the others.                       
5. don't say a word if I received  an injury                                                              6. Clean house by 5:00 pm.                         7. Cook food for whole family, do not eat until everyone was finished.          8. Lowest grade acceptation was 90%, less than that equals punishment.Which might I tell you I was never the smartest, so punishment was always something to look forward to after receiving an 85 on a paper.

Scars littered my body, from the top of my head to my toes. But guess who watches millions of make up tutorials? Hah, this guy! It took a few months, but I got enough money and bought multiple pounds of concealer. It wasn't just for me, it was for us all. But I used most of it since, you know, I'm special.

But enough about the past, I'm living in the present! Free from that man, yet I still follow his rules. I remember one night Coran caught me still awake after 5 am, and he asked me why. I laughed and told him I simply couldn't sleep until someone told me to, the leader or someone of age. And Coran being way past,'of age ' he told me to go to bed. I thanked him and fell asleep easily. I woke up very early, to set up the kitchen for breakfast and even though Hunk says he'll serve, I do every once in a while. And by that I mean like once a week, maybe twice of Hunk is in a bad mood. When we finish training, I run to the kitchen to get water. And when there is some crisis or if things are getting a little hard, I'm here! And I always will be, no matter if I want to or not.

Right now everyone else is in the lounge relaxing and chatting. I'm cleaning up the other paladins rooms, for if papa were here, he would tell me to go and clean. I'm tackling Pidge's at the moment and it is quite a disaster zone if you ask me. I picked up a set of boxes but they were heavy. I felt a sharp pain in my hand and dropped the boxes. Some sort of blade must've gotten through cause this is no paper cut I've seen. I smiled though," Maybe if I hurt myself more, Papa will be happier with me..! " I hurried and cleaned up the rest of Pidge's room and scurried off to my own. It was neat and tighty, and I knew papa would be happy with it. But I know what makes him happier.

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