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( literally no one:
My brain cell, doing cracc while drinking a red bull after like four all nighters: Lmao yes it is lolololololol )

I physically and literally can't do anything useful. " For the love of god Lance, be useful! " I mock pidge with an annoying voice. " Well I'm sorry that I can't seem to be perfect little angels like everyone else here because there is such thing as perfect. " I  growled as I wobbled back to my room. I walked in and as soon as the doors shut, I slid against the door and held my knees close to me. " I'm sorry.. " I said, but it came out more like a sob. " I-I can't seem to  be able to fix myself. " I cried. I stood up and walked to bed, throwing the sheets and blankets out of the way and laid down on the mattress. " Watch me, I'll be perfect, just you wait.. " I said and cried myself to sleep.

-_-time skip-_-

We just finished a mission, and now they're celebrating, having a party for us, the paladins of Voltron. For them, the real paladins of Voltron. " Lance, do we need to get a baby sitter to watch you at the castle so you don't blow it up? Or will you behave this time? " Shiro stated. I forgot what I did last time, so I tilted my head to the side, trying to remember. He face palmed," Are you that dumb Lance? You know what you did, stop playing around. " Keith growled. I gritted my teeth, not wanting to get yelled at more. I hate people and I hate me.

I can never change how I feel, how I act, how much I talk, how I work, how I even function. I can't do it. Because not everyone can adapt to a perfect life style. " Earth to Lance..! " Pidge screamed in my ear. I flinched in pain, raising my hand to cover my ear. "  Just go to your room, Lance. We'll tell Coran or someone to watch you. Can't have you blowing up the castle, maybe in a battle it'll happen, but because you're a walking piece of crap, we know it'll happen. " Shiro stated, everyone nodding.

' you don't know a damn thing. None of you know anything '

I threw my helmet off my head, chucking it at Shiro's face. Sadly, he caught it. " What was that for Lance?! " Hunk cried. I glared at him, why does he act so innocent when he knows that's something he's not? I stormed off to my room, not giving a single fohk about what anyone was trying to tell me.

Yell all they want to, It'll just make their voices hoarse.

The automatic doors opened and closed as soon as I walked into my room. " Watch me. I'll be perfect. Stare at me. I'll be the most perfect damn paladin here! " I yelled.

-_- with the palashints -_-

" Don't you think that was a little harsh " Princess Allura called out. " Yes, he threw that at me, as if trying to hurt me. " Shiro said while crossing his arms. Though, Allura was not pleased." I meant what you said about him. I know I've known Lance for a short amount of time, but I also know that he isn't as idiotic as you think. Yes, he may be goofy at times, but thats in his nature, you can't be so disrespectful towards someone because of their  personality. Do you understand what I mean? " She placed her hands on her hips, raising an eyebrow. They all stared at her in shock.

" Did Lance infect you with his stupidity? "

" Princess, are you feeling alright? "

" Perhaps you should go rest. "

Allura was dumbfounded. ' are they joking?! ' she thought to herself. And to imagine what Lance has been feeling all this time. It must've hurt so much. She didn't blame  him for throwing his helmet directly at Shiro's face. Hell, she would do the same if she had been in Lance's shoes! " Are you serious? " She said, under he breath. She shook her head, and walked to Lance's room.

" It's like they want him to be perfect "

She gently knocked on the door.

" ...Whose there.. "

" Uhm..Lance it's Princess Allura, I wanted to speak with you.. "

After a long pause, the doors had opened. Lance was a mess. His eyes were red and puffy, his cheeks were tear stained, and his hair was messy. It seemed as if he is sweating. " Here to tell me I'm completely stupid aswell? " He said quietly. Allura shook her head almost violently.

" Actually, I'm here to apologize to you... "

Lance looked confused. " ..You're joking, yes? funny.. " He smiled, well, a fairly small grin. Allura looked at him with sorrow," Lance, your feelings matter... don't listen to those... not so nice words.. because they aren't true. " she told him lightly. Lance shook his head in disbelief," So, what I'm getting is that you feel pity for me? " he said annoyed. Allura shook her head, but as she tried to speak once more, Lance's doors had closed.

" There is no such thing as perfect, but you want me to be perfect, perfect is nonexistent, so that's what I'll be. "

Yah, end of that train wreck, honestly, I'm so sorry, I've been going thru some shítte in the past few months, now school is here once again, and Now I'm sad lolololol

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