Use your imagination

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Lance was kicked out of his house. What for? For not being straight like everyone else. He thought his family would love him either way, but he was proved wrong.

So now he walked the streets, doesn't help that it was winter either. Lance didn't want to beg because he felt it wasn't necessary, he knew there were people out there whom faked. Lance just used his imagination. He imagined he was in bed and his mama was getting ready to tell him a story, but really he was sleeping with his jacket on top of him.

He imagined a dinner that his papa made him, but really, he was just swallowing old plastic that he finds out on the streets, if he was lucky he would fight birds for bread.

He would have sudden memories of  his family and how they loved him and then suddenly kicked him out, yelled at him, and hurt him. He would cry and wail in the middle of the night, but sometimes It would be so cold, to the point his tears would freeze( lemme tell you, it does not feel Gucci okay- ) He would be told by the people across the streets in apartments," Shut up, crackhead! " And," I'm gonna call the police on you if you don't shut up you brat! " Lance would constantly think,' Well if you're getting annoyed, you could at least give me some sort of food so I could finally shut up and shove it down my throat to choke. ' and yet, no one did.

So what was the point of trying? Lance stopped putting the jacket over him, Lance stopped crying frozen tears, he froze. Well, metaphorically, his mind set had been put in the train of,' You're going to die anyway, forget trying. '

That was until a man with a mullet, a white floof kind of style, and woman with silver hair. They noticed Lance laying on the snowy ground around 8 pm, they were heading home when they saw him. The woman and the man with the white hair wanted to buy him some food, the man with the mullet disliked the idea, fearing he might attack and or beg for drugs. Yet they did. The three gently poked Lance's shoulder, and in shock he jumped up and covered his face, in fear of being beat. "'s okay..! We got you some food, do you want it? "  the woman handed him a bag of snacks.( Like pita chips because I'm tired ) And the look on his face made their nights. His smile beamed as if his smile were the sun. He looked up at them with his ocean blue eyes," Yeah...thank you. " He slowly took the bag, afraid they would snatch it away and laugh as he would feel his heart crumble. But to his surprise, they didn't. " I thought you  would take it away..why aren't you? " Lance asked quietly. Keith still didn't really like Lance, he just liked his smile. " Well we can take it back if you're not grateful. " Mullet man snarled. Lance looked sad though, he felt bad. Of course, he was so thankful that someone finally cared, but he didn't want them to think he wasn't thankful." Keith! That's rude! " My. Floof corrected the man now known as Keith." Great, now he knows my name! Way to go Shiro! He's probably going to come to our doors tomorrow and ask for more, or money so he can get his drug addiction out the way! " Keith kept yelling at Mr. Flo- Shiro. "  Both of you, plea- " " Shut up Allura! " And now Lance knew all their names. Allura, Shrio, and Keith. But now Lance was silently crying as the three kept arguing. He slowly lifted the bag," Y-you can have it if you don't want me to..It doesn't matter... I'm going to die out here anyway.. " he tightly screwed his eyes shut and smiled sorrowfully, trying not to let tears fall. He didn't want to die, he wasn't ready yet. He felt so young, he felt like he still had a purpose. The three looked at him, even Keith felt a little emphatic for him. " Y-you can keep it..." Keith looked away from Shiro, Allura, and Lance. Allura and Shiro smiled down at Lance who was looking through the bag with amazement. " Can we visit you tomorrow? " Allura asked. Lance blew into his hands to heat them up," Mhmm! Thank you! "

And they kept buying and giving Lance food, but then..the day came. 

" Lance? " They poked the cold boys shoulder." Hey, are you sleeping? " Keith looked over only to find the dead gaze of the once pretty blue boys eyes. " Keith backed into Shiro," He wont respond to me.. " Keith whispered. Their eyes widened," L-Lance..? Do you want some food? " Allura quivered, trying to imagine that he would respond. " Please..!? " Shiro cried. A man walked over to the ally," Ah, finally kicked the bucket? I was wondering if he would ever shut up. " Shiro and Keith were furious, Allura let tears fall as she balled her fists." Why would you keep feeding him? He didn't deserve to eat, he was so annoying at night, the whole neighborhood could hear his loud whines. I- " Allura had enough and grabbed his collar," That boy was too young to would you feel if I left you, lonely and homeless? His own parents, family, and friends shut him out for something that he couldn't help. So before another word comes out of those crusty and dry lips, think. " the man quickly scurried off and the three continued to mourn over their lost friend.

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