Chapter 2: My name is Camilla

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The drive to the bar was quick, only a few minutes, and there was not much to look at in this town. Just a crackhead suburb outside a large city with different types of people. I parked outside the bar, avoiding the plethora of motorcycles which was a mixture of sports bikes and Harleys. The bar was slightly run down and the lights in the logo were burning out. Looked like a place for a bunch of reptiles to breed, and they did. Men stood outside the front door smoking and talking but as I hopped out of my car they stared at me as if they had never seen a female before. I just prayed they wouldn't say a word to me.

I walked to the door avoiding anything in my way, and when I was inside I was immediately enveloped in the smell of cigarettes, alcohol, and sex. This bar was more of a strip club then anything. Women danced in bras on the stage, while different men watched them with desire. There were few waitresses but most of them at least forty and unappealing. I walked over to the bar.

"What do you want?" the bartender asked me rudely and the people at the bar looked over as well.

"Um... I'm looking for a job," I said quieter then I meant to.

I sounded like a scared little girl, like I would cry any second. I disgusted myself. I was strong and I was grown. Time to act like it.

"Ignacio, told me he would speak with someone here to get me a waitress position," I said loudly leaning closer to the bartender.

"Ah, Milla," he chuckled. "Yeah he called.

"My name is Camilla, not Milla," I growled through my teeth and the bartender stood up a little straighter at the sound of my voice.

"Relax, little girl. I'm only playing. The pay is 10$ an hour, but if you know what you're doing there will be tips, especially for you," he said looking over my body. "Have you ever been a waitress before?"

"Uh, yeah for a couple months," I said which wasn't a lie. I worked in a restaurant my whole life but it was nothing like this establishment.

"Great, you can start at 7," he said pouring another man's drink. "The better you dress the more tips."

Immediately, I gagged. This place was as skeevy as the bartender, but I needed a job. I had to put food on the table. With that comment I thanked the nameless bartender and left the musky joint, ignoring the stares piercing my head.


Kinda small sorry y'all. Will update tomorrow :)

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