Chapter 6: Daughter of the Devil

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"Make a left on Cunningham, and it's the warehouse on your left," Ignacio said as I skirted around the corner of the store launching into a spot by the door knocking over a large motorcycle in the process. "Be careful when you go inside, these men are dangerous."

"Not as dangerous as me," I growled my eyes flashing with fire, I was so angry. I haven't felt this way since my mother had died. The anger coursed through my body and literally ignited me. "Stay in the car."

"I wasn't planning on going in anyway," Ignacio huffed and leaned back into the seat, but I was already out the door.

I stormed up the warehouse ramp and entered through the open garage doors with no attemps at being stealthy. You could hear the thumping of my boots on the ground. I heard a gruff laugh come from an open space on my left. I entered the opening and saw Zahra sitting on the couch next to Sam who's attention was pointed towards the TV screen and his lit blunt. She shied away from the smoke he blowing to the side at her. Jack was standing at the makeshift desk shifting through some papers. The rest of his goon squad was posed on different chairs or couches smoking and watching the TV.

As my eyes zeroed in on my sister I busted into the room and her head snapped in my direction.

"Milla!," she yelled getting off of the couch and running into me her arms outstretched.

I hugged her back as Jack tilted his head up and noticed me, an emotionless look on his face. Milla let go of me and hid behind my back.

"Well," he said and then clicked his tongue. "You found us."

He walked towards me but I was faster. I ran up to him and punched him with my small fist, making contact right below his finely carved cheekbone, sending him backwards in surprise. Sam got up just as quick his gun aimed at me, the rest of his gang on their feet.

"That was a bad idea, darling," Jack said spitting out blood from his mouth but I was on a roll, the gun aimed at me was not a threat.

I got up super close to Jack, my lips close to his ear.

"Do not ever come near my house, or my sister ever again. You think you can prey on me because I am a girl and I'm not from around here. You think your pathetic little band of brothers scares me. There is nothing that scares me," I finished but Jack just smirked at me, flashing a row of white but bloody teeth.

"Little girl, you don't know who you are talking to like that," he concluded leaning down so his face was inches from mine, but I didn't shy away from his attack.

"Actually," I said moving my face even closer to his. "I do."

I heard the click of a gun's safety clip.

"Say the word Jack and I'll blow her head off," Sam growled with his gun pointed at the side of my head.

I turned my head, my eyes meeting his. "You'd miss," I smiled. The amount of times I was held at gunpoint by professionals, this kiddie shit could never make me falter.

Sam aimed his gun at the ceiling and let one bullet free. It hit the ceiling, causing a bit of use to fall down covering the tops of our heads. Sam took this opportunity to sneeze, and I seized the moment and disarmed him, knocking the gun out of his hand while he was distracted. The gun flew to the floor landing at my sister's feet. She reached for it behind me, handing it to me. 

"Amateur," Zahra giggled as I aimed the gun back at Sam. I rolled my eyes at his stupidity, as he just started at the girl who had unarmed a 6 foot tall male with supposed "experience". 

Turning back to face Jack I began to speak, "There's a story about a girl up north. She belonged to a gang, the largest and most feared gang on this side of the globe. She worked the big jobs, the best baiter any gang had seen. The leader of this gang, they called him Diablo. The girl, they called Angel, the Angel of Death. She was Diablo's child after all so it all made sense, the daughter of the devil. Legend has it right after she baits her victim to his death she flashes him her gang tattoo, the phrase, "Diablo's Angel," I said as he listened intently.

I knew that he had probably heard this story a million times before, every gang had known this girl, she was famous and deadly. My fingers went down to the bottom of my own lip pulling it down slightly, revealing the cursed phrase. One that many had seen on their way to hell, the hell I sent them to. His eyes widened as he saw the tattoo, his skin considerably pale. He took a step back. Even dumbass Sam was quiet, the whole gang didn't speak. 

"Dont play with me, motherfucker," I finished grabbing Milla's hand and walking out

My job here was finished.

Outside, Milla turned to me, "You know sometimes I'm glad you have the reputation that you do. I feel safe with you, I didn't feel safe at home," she says. "Thank you."

I opened the car door for her and she climbed in the back but I didn't say anything to her. I ran my tongue over the tattoo, I still remember getting it at fifteen. But even at that age I was one of the most feared people in the world, and I loved that thrill. Now it made me sick.

On the way home I bought a deadbolt for the door, and Ignacio installed it when we arrived. I wondered where my life had gone so wrong, I went from innocent child to baiter and I blamed my father for it all. I was his miracle baby, his Angel. I wasn't supposed to live past my first hour of birth, and neither was my mother. We both survived my rough beginning and she lived for another seventeen years. The doctor said that my stabilizing health had caused my mother to fight for her life, so I was her guardian angel. I was my father's as well, the things I did for his gang brought it from mediocre to the best. I wondered how he was doing without me, even though I shouldn't care because I left the gang, and him.


Sorry for the 2 month delay LOL I was lazy, apologies. But hopefully I can push through. Congrats to all seniors who committed to college this month, like me !!!!

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