Chapter 10: A Situation

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"You'll be safer if you're living with me, Milla," Jack argued as I made dinner for Zara and I after my shift.

But I just shook my head and continued stirring the pan where my beef was sizzling.

"I don't want to have to rely on you for myself or Zara, I don't even know if I can actually trust you or anyone else in that house for that matter," I said.

"How can you not trust me? I thought I proved that to you already, Camilla," he argued back raising his voice visibly hurt.

For the past week after I agreed to help Jack in his plan of world domination he's been on my case about having Zara and I move into their "base".

"Jack I enjoy having my own space, and I don't want Zara in that house especially not anywhere near Sam's room," I shuddered at the thought.

"What are you so concerned with what prevents you from actually being safe?," Jack said trying to make me face him but I resisted his tight grip on my arm.

"Milla, turn around," he said roughly his grip tightening as he managed to spin me around but my eyes still would not meet his.

"Milla," he growled, putting his hand under my chin, forcing me to look up at his stormy eyes.

"What, Jack?," I sighed back not in the mood to explain myself.

"Why won't you just trust me? Haven't I shown you that you can?" he almost whined his face inches away from mine and I could feel his breath on my face. He smelled of cigarettes.

I rolled my eyes and attempted to wriggle out of his grip but his hand remained on my chin and his other slithered up to my waist holding my small frame in place.

I couldn't give him an answer as to why I still didn't trust him, but I didn't trust anyone. It was a miracle I trusted my own sister but blood has a way of turning on blood, not that I think Zara would ever do something to purposely hurt me.

"I'm staying here until I'm given a good enough reason to move. I worked hard and I don't like being given handouts. I also very much love having my OWN space," I said emphasizing my point.

"You can have your own space the house is massive. I barely ever even see Sam and he lives with me. I'll make him stay away from Zara."

"Why do you care so much anyway?"

"Because if you're dead I'll never get what I want."

"And what do you want?"

"A kingdom, specifically your father's."

I sighed loudly but I should have expected his answer. He only cared about me because I was the key to the castle and without me he might as well change his profession because he would never get to my father.

"I guess I could always use Zara," he laughed, letting go of me and this angered me beyond reason.

"Whatever Jack," I huffed and turned back to my frying pan, vigorously tossing the meat with the spatula.

But Jack didn't stop he just pressed the front of his body into my back, leaning his head down so his lips were close to my ear.

"Angel," he whispered and I felt shivers race up and down my spine like little spiders.

"I also wouldn't mind seeing your tight, sexy ass in my house every night," he whispered again trailing his tongue down my earlobe. "Or in my bed."

He bent down to my neck giving me a soft kiss, then another, and another and then we were interrupted by the front door opening and two figures stumbling into the barely lit kitchen.

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