Chapter 12: Come at me, Dad

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As I finished up my early shift around 9 p.m. the pretty boy stayed at his table the entire time, only ordering a water here and there and watching my every move like a hungry wolf, a hunter. Jack did the same but I obviously knew Jack's intentions were not malicious.

At the bar I cleaned some glasses as I stared at Jack willing him to turn around and look at me so I could call him over and get my ass to safety before another of my father's hitmen got to me first. But instead of Jack walking over to me, the blonde man was standing in front of me.

"So how about that date?," he grinned at me his blue eyes studying me.

"Oh I don't think so, wouldn't be professional to date the customers and all," I said back focusing on my cleaning waiting for Jack to notice. "I don't even know your name."

"That's quite simple, I'll trade you, name for name," he said back to me eyeing my nametag.

"Why does everything have to be an exchange? You aren't off to a good start," I said back trying to remember his name from the depths of my memory but I was only drawing blanks. "Regardless, my name is on my nametag so that isn't quite fair."

"Camilla, a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. I'm Lincoln," he smiled at me as I waited for the last name.

"And your last name?," I asked.

"Well what about yours?"

"Oh I don't think so," said a voice from behind Lincoln.

Finally, Jack it only took you 10 minutes to realize I was being bombarded.

"And you are?," Lincoln smiled mischievously at Jack as the mood quickly changed.

"Her fucking dad, and if you don't step the fuck back I'll blow your brains out," Jack growled intimidatingly in a tone I really had never heard him use before.

Jack wasn't a scary man in my eyes but if I didn't know him that well I would be cowering behind the bar shaking in fear but Licoln smiled even further standing his ground. Dumbass. Jack would actually not hesitate to kill him.

"Well then there's no harm in me talking to the poor girl, whom you keep on such a short leash. Interesting that you let him treat you like such a possession, Camilla," Lincoln said to me.

I was taken aback, he definitely did work for my father. My nametag read Milla not Camilla and Jack also spotted this growing angrier by the minute.

"You're not the girl I remember from New York, Camilla," he continued as my eyes narrowed at the insult. "Never thought to see you with a collar around your neck and the leash being held by a man as simple as this. But then again your father held that leash for so many years it's no wonder you ran away and found a new owner."

That last comment hit a nerve with me but I had learned to control myself in the past few months to not make a scene, but Jack had a very short temper. He stepped closer to Lincoln and reached for the waistband of his pants, for his gun.

"Jack," I said quietly and shook my head diverting all of my attention to Lincoln. I reached forward and grabbed him by the collar of his freshly pressed shirt pulling him very close to my face. "I have a message for Tom, and for my father. I'm sure as their dog you'll deliver it. Come after me with all you've got because it will be the last chance you have to preserve the empire because I plan to tear it down and I will start with the King. There's been a change in ownership and I plan to take what's mine and what's owed. Once the man who pays you has been knocked off his pedestal don't bother coming to me for a new position because you will be one of the first people I kill when I start my new reign. The only thing around my neck will be the weight of billions of dollars in jewelry to keep me grounded, and a necklace made out of your teeth. Come for me, please. I've been waiting a long time. Now get the fuck out of my bar," I spat out in his face letting go of his now wrinkled collar and pushing him away from me.

For the first time the whole night Lincoln's composure faltered and there was no longer a sweet smile plastered on his pretty face but it was replaced with a deep scowl.

"They'll come for their revenge, Camilla. We all will. Your group of teenagers will not be able to protect you. We will strike soon, darling," he said straightening his shirt. "Beware thy owner,"

I didnt respond at this point but resorted to blowing him a quick kiss as he turned on his freshly cleaned loafer and walked right out of the bar, not bothering to leave a tip.

"That was the hottest thing I've ever seen you say," Jack said staring at me in awe.

"Lets just go home," I said rolling my eyes.

"Yours or mine, princess?

"Mine, you idiot."


here's the second update ily

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