Chapter 13

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"Why do you just assume you're sleeping here?", I asked Jack as he made himself comfortable in my house.

"Why are you so uptight?," he asked reaching into my liquor cabinet and bringing out a bottle of Hennessey that I didn't know existed.

I raised my freshly plucked eyebrows at the boy.

"Snuck it in here last week, can't survive off vodka."

"What's wrong with vodka?," I asked very hurt. It was always my drink of choice.

"There's more to life then spicy water," Jack laughed opening the bottle and taking a large swig offering me some.

I took the bottle and took a small sip. "There's more to life than drinking like every other stereotypical kid in the hood."

"Well, Camilla, this isn't the hood and I'm not a kid," he smirked from his side of the room.

"You're right, this is a trailer park and you," I said pointing at him. "Are a teenager,"

He just chuckled at me taking the bottle back and downing another sip as I rolled my eyes at him.

"When were you planning to tell me that you were throwing Zara a birthday party tomorrow at your house?," I asked stealing the bottle back and poured myself some of the brown liquid into a plastic cup.

"I assumed Zara would tell you, which she obviously did."

"Can you imagine what I would have done if it was Sam who told me?," I laughed as Jack came closer to me, close enough to where I could smell his cologne.

"You would've thrown another tantrum, probably," he said. "And I'd have to listen to you yell at me again."

I took another large sip of the drink, suddenly starting to feel its effects.

"You are the one who chooses to hang around me, Jack," I accused. "I can always spend my time with Leo and Ignacio."

"Maybe I like hanging around someone who reminds me of my mother," he joked as I grew more offended as this conversation went on.

"I remind you of your mother?," I asked.

"You remind me of her few good qualities," he said nonchalantly.

"Where is she now?"

"Who the fuck knows?," he answered angrier then he meant to. "Why do you keep asking questions?"

"Let's play a game then. One of us asks a question, we can answer or we can drink," I said mischievously but mostly because I wanted to see how drunk I could get Jack.

"Did you and Leo fuck?," Jack asked me instantly.

I was taken aback a bit by the question but I decided to fuck with him anyway. I brought the cups to my lips as his eyes widened. "Nope," I said.

"Why do you care?," I asked back.

"Can't have my secret weapon distracted or fraternizing with the enemy, not good for business," he said saving himself very quickly.

"Are you a virgin?," he asked immediately after but I was expecting this one.

It was really none of his business so I took a sip of the cup as he nodded. "It's not a yes or no, Jack, get your head out my ass."

"Are you scared of my father?," I asked after a moment.

It was Jack's turn to take a sip of his drink. Everyone was scared of my father and honestly so was I.

"Why are you so overprotective of Zahra?," said Jack.

"Because she's my baby sister, it's my job to keep her safe," I answered after a pause.

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