Chapter 7: What the hell are you doing here?

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Hi, I did not read over this so there's probably mistakes so just comment and ill fix them as I go lolz

Before I left home, I made a promise to myself to finish out and get my high school diploma, now I don't see how that is going to be possible. I went to a preparatory school in NYC that gave me access to the best education money could buy. If I had stayed I would've received an acceptance to an Ivy League or something similar with a bright future ahead of me. I participated in non-profit organizations and I wanted to save the turtles or some shit, but my dad had other plans for me. He couldn't understand why I would want to waste his money on another four years of school when I could just take his place when he died.

"You know the trade, and you're good at what I do," he would say to me when I'd bring up the topic of college.

Yes. I was good, probably the best. But what about my sister? She couldn't stomach anything my father did or made me do. She wouldn't last in the gang environment and her future would fall apart. She didn't have what my father called, "gang mentality", but my mother didn't either. I think it was the stress of it all that killed her. She watched the love of her life get dragged down the rabbit hole, pulling her two small children along.

"Milla, are you even listening to me?" I heard Kathy say snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Uh-," I stuttered trying to snap back to reality

*(oh there goes gravity, slim shady reference carry on)*

"I was asking how your sister is," she continued as she washed the cups in the bar sink.

"She's alright, working hard school," I said. "Actually she's making this solar paneled mini greenhouse so she can grow plants in it at home. She's a smart kid."

It was a bit after the dinner rush, and the younger gangs were coming in while the ancient ones were disappearing. Kathy nodded as the door opened for the thousandth time and we watched Hell's Angels walk through the door sauntering to their usual spots in the center of the room. After the altercation with my sister they hadn't bothered me, even Kathy was surprised. Sam attempted to make eye contact with me but I stared him down all the way to his seat, Jack ignored my side of the room completely.

I poured myself a glass of water from the faucet and sighed, taking a sip of Florida's great water. I sa Ignacio's friends sit down in my section so I left my drink on the counter and bounded over.

"Hey guys, what can I get you?," I smiled as I saw a few familiar faces amongst the group.

Leo gave me a cheeky smile, "One tall glass of you, for me of course. Beer for them."

I chuckled at him, he liked to flirt with me occasionally but nothing would go of it. He was Ignacio's brother after all, and I wasn't like that anyway.

I walked back to the counter which I saw Sam smugly walking away from, towards me. We met on my path back, his stance towering over my head as he looked down at me. Due to the small space I was located in I had to stand against the table behind me for him to pass by giving him just enough room to get by. He pushed through, super close to me where my chest reached his upper stomach as he smirked at me, passing by. I ignored his actions and got past him getting back to my position at the counter, my glass of water still glistening on the counter unbothered. I gulped down the entire glass and got back to my job.

Within minutes my head started to spin and I started to feel sick. I grabbed against the bar to steady myself.

"Woah, Milla. Are you alright? You're pale as hell," Kathy asked me as I concentrated on breathing in and out.

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