Chapter 16: Start a Riot

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Chapter 16

"What the fuck are you doing, Milla?," Jack shouted as he stormed through the room.

"What I should've done a long time ago," I said as Tom laid unconsciously against the chair I had tied him to. "I am taking control of the situation."

"Who the fuck are you to take control of any situation?," Jack shouted in my face once again.

"You would do well to back the fuck up, Jack," I said as I waved his loaded gun in his face.

"So you're gonna shoot me?," he asked. "And then what? My men will kill you in seconds."

"I'm not shooting anyone, and neither are you. There are better ways to send my father a message other than killing Tom. Not that he doesn't deserve to die, but I have decided I want to keep him around," I said to Jack.

"If I want to kill Tom, I fucking will. This is my house, my gang, and my fucking decision. I am the boss, you should be happy I haven't killed you yet," he growled at me.

"I'm not playing this "who's dick is bigger?" game," I laughed at him. "Without me your gang is no match for my father, you need me. Since you need me, we will do things my way. Starting with Tom," I said.

Jack looked at me with his eyes wide, "Stop fucking around, Camilla. Give me the gun."

He reached for the gun but I just aimed it back at his face and suddenly the smirk fell.

"He's not dying tonight and definitely not by your hand. He has much better use for us as a spy or an informant than rotting in the backyard," I finished the gun still aimed at Jack.

"His job is to kill you and you'd be stupid enough to let him live?," Jack asked.

"I'm doing what I think is right for once and if you want my support you'll back me up on this," I asked him almost on the verge of pleading.

"Are you still in love with him?," Jack asked as I was taken aback.

Was I still in love with Tom? Honestly, I loved Tom more than I loved any other man in my life but it wasn't real love. There were no fireworks, no heart racing, and definitely no traditional signs of dating. Most of our relationship was strictly business besides the flirting and the kissing. I knew Tom loved me more then I would ever have loved him and definitely more than i showed him. But was I still in love with him? No, I don't think I ever loved him. It was just easy and he was there.

"I never loved him," I replied looking back at Tom slumped in the chair. "He was just a means to an end."

Jack stared at me as if deciding what to do with my inability to cooperate with his every word.

"Why do you never fucking listen to me?," he asked.

"Because you are never 100% right. You never look at the bigger picture. You look maybe 2-3 steps ahead while you should be looking 20-30 steps ahead. You need to rule out every single possibility before you resort to something as rash as death. I'm done having my name associated with death, it's time for a change," I explained to him.

"But-", Jack started.

"If you want my grandmother to keep cutting checks, you will do as I say and you will not argue with me," I said sharply as I was starting to lose my patience.

"Fine," Jack huffed. "But when this comes back to haunt you, I will not be there to help you."

I ignored him and just rolled my eyes, unloading the gun and handing it back to him.

"From this moment, we are partners with equal shares and equal responsibility and equal decision making powers. I want to be involved in everything. No one as much as whispers my father's name without me knowing. That's how this is gonna go," I finished. "I'm sure you'll figure out what needs to be done with Landon and his men."

Jack stared at me blankly but eventually started nodding.

"This is still my gang and these are still my men," he said, weaker than he meant to.

"I'm not stealing your men. I am making my presence known and then I will use it to stake my claim on my father's empire. Thats how I want to start this war, not through the death of Tom, but by claiming what should be mine so my father can hear me, loud and fucking clear. The games end today and tomorrow the fight begins," I continued.

"I'll agree to your terms but there's something you will do for me first," Jack smiled his smirk back on that smug gorgeous face. "You move in tomorrow morning."


so sorry for the constant wait I always have crazy writer's block but I am trying. I need to come up with some new ideas to make this more interesting and ofc some jack and camilla time <3

thanks for reading !!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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