Chapter 11: The Blonde Man

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After a few days of pestering thanks to Jack and Zara, I allowed Zara to move into the base. I knew I would continue to be stubborn but it didn't mean I had to jeopardize Zara's safety. As she was packing her belongings at home with Sam, I was at work under Jack's watchful eye. He would always have someone or himself posted at the bar watching over me during my long shifts which seemed unnecessary but Jack was not leaving space for mistakes. There was an unusually large amount of people at the bar tonight for a Wednesday night. I didn't even have enough time to take my smoke break but the tips were piling and the liquor was flowing. I took orders at a nearby table as I watched Jack as intensely as he would watch me.

He was sitting at the head of his usual table surrounded by his goons who I now knew by name. His brows furrowed as he told an angry tale while his friends all shared the same expression. Probably discussing this week's unsuccessful sales (not Jack's fault) and which person was to blame (definitely not Jack). Over the past few weeks I learned that Jack was not as scary as people made him out to be, and for a gang leader he was very fair. Jack picked his head up and looked at me as he felt my gaze on him. Double tapping his temple and pointing at me, he was motioning for me to get back to work and stop gawking. I stuck my tongue out at him and gave my full attention back to my customers.

"Is he your boyfriend?," asked the lone man at the table.

"Hm?," I said back taking in his appearance. He was a pretty boy with blonde hair and eyes as blue as the Atlantic. A refreshing change compared to the people in the room fore there was not a tattoo or piercing in sight. He was also wearing a freshly ironed button up and khakis to match. A change of scenery for sure.

"Is that kid your boyfriend?," the pretty boy asked again as I noticed his southern accent but chuckled that he called Jack a kid.

"Jack's hardly a kid, he's twenty-two," I smiled back at him purposely ignoring his question. "But tell me what can I get you?"

"I'd like to take you out, darling," he said with that sickly sweet accent.

I gave him a small smile as I saw Jack looking over my way watching our conversation. "Anything to drink?"

"Just a water, no ice, and your number," he continued the glint in his eye growing brighter.

"If you're a good customer, I'll consider it," I laughed as he grazed his hand against mine very slowly where I noticed a very expensive watch on his hand.

"I'll be a worthy investment," he said breaking into a grin showing off his perfect white teeth.

I giggled and walked away from the table back to the bar but not before stopping at Jack's as he looked up at me.

"Get back to work," I mimicked as he had done to me and I slapped him upside the head. "Don't tell me what to do." I walked away leaving a bewildered Jack in my dust and the pretty blonde boy watching my every move.

As I refilled drinks at the bar I analyzed the blonde man who asked me for my number earlier. I had never seen him before and wasn't sure why a man like him was in a dingy bar like this. His choice of attire was far out of this bar's usual pay grade which was slightly suspicious. People didn't just show up at this bar but there was something familiar in the glint of his deep sea eyes. I racked my head to find out where I had seen them before. Then I realized I had seen him before, many times but only in passing. He was a hired hitman, and the man who filled his pockets was none other than my father's right hand man, Tom Collins. If this man was in my bar then he was only here for one thing: Me.


Hi sorry took me forever to post but ima boutta post again so be proud.

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Love u guys ty for support and all that <33333

also didn't fix typos so lmk if its trash

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