Chapter 5: Hell's Angels

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There was nothing I hated more than working weekends at the Tipsy Snake. Our busiest nights were obviously Fridays and Saturdays and they were exhausting. I didn't know people could drink so much and not get tired of it. I had been working everyday since I started for two weeks and I couldn't get the smell of alcohol off of my skin.

I stood outside the service entrance to the bar, in the back. The only people who came back here were employees and sometimes if it was just the right time you would get a front row seat to drug deals between groups. After the fight my first night at the bar, no one really gave me any trouble and I stayed out of Hell's Angels' way for the most part. The man, Sam, who's nose I broke enjoyed to roughly bump into me anytime I was within an arm's length or shove me into the nearest table or person. But other than his childish antics, I was fine, and I learned to ignore him. I took a puff of the Parliament in my hand and rolled my eyes at thinking about Sam. I had never met an adult who acted like he was the mental age of Zahra.

"That's not good for your health, angel," I heard a voice say in front of me.

"Excuse me?" I asked rudely looking up recognizing the silky voice of Hell's Angel.

"Smoking. It's just not good for you," he said taking it from my cold hand and taking a smoke of my cigarette.

I narrowed my eyes at him, and ripped it out of his mouth. Jack didn't bother to introduce himself, he assumed I knew exactly who he was. He was right. After catching his eye a few weeks ago, he was all I could think about. Out of everyone I had seen so far he was the most intriguing.

"Do you need something, Jack?" I asked him roughly. Just because I found him interesting did not mean I had to be nice to him.

He shrugged his shoulders, his jacket outlining the features of his body. Underneath the motorcycle jacket, I could see his black t-shirt. Jack was sexy. But Jack was also in a dangerous gang, and I was not willing to participate in the games he wanted to play. Men like him were easy to read and very predictable. They were also unstable, and I enjoyed stable.

"I don't like it when girls smoke," he finally said after staring at me. "Especially pretty girls, Milla."

My heart did a flip, multiple flips actually. Then it plunged deep into my stomach. So I did exactly what a stupid little girl with no self-control would do.

"Fuck off," I said plainly taking another drag from my cigarette looking right back into his deep brown eyes, challenging him.

His dark eyes became even darker, and now it was his turn to narrow his eyes. He stepped closer to me and brushed the hair in front of my face behind my ear.

"You'll wish you hadn't said that, angel," he whispered in my ear as my skin covered in goosebumps. Without a second look he walked away from me and back into the bar.

I cursed out loud and suddenly became extremely nauseous. Looking at my cig, I threw it to the ground, stomping on it. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I used to pride myself on having self-control, always knowing when to act and when to keep my mouth shut. Lately, I've been having issues with both and it was going to cause a plethora of trouble for me. Ignoring my recently rash decisions I went back inside the bar to finish out my nightly shift.

Couple of times through the night I would catch Jack staring at me, completely emotionless but then he would return his attention to whatever dancer we had up on the stage. Around nine every night the somber bar music James usually had howling on the speakers would change to music that resembled what would be played at NYC clubs. The music shift also meant the older gangs had left and were replaced by the younger groups and the dancers on stage suddenly remembered how to dance. Kathy would join me behind the bar to clean the beer mugs and make space for the shot glasses that would be used the rest of the night while James would fuck off to his "office". While we cleaned, the first song of the night would commence and as usual, "I Luv Dem Strippers" by 2 Chainz would come blasting through the speakers on the stage. Kathy and I would sing along quietly and even throw in a few dance moves as lowkey as possible.

I passed Kathy the last cup and she motioned for me to look up. I raised my eyes to see, none other than, Jack staring at me from his seat at the middle table, as usual.

"Attracting the wrong kind of attention, Milla," she disapproved as my phone started buzzing in my pocket and I pulled it out. It was Zahra.

"No phones," she said so I declined the call and shooting her a quick text saying I was working.

I put the phone back in my back pocket, looking back at the crowded bar. Jack was motioning to his group, speaking rapidly. As if on cue, Sam turned around and gave me a sick smile before leaving the table along with his group. Before heading out the door, Jack looked back at me one last time, and then the room was no longer filled with Hell's Angels.

I finished out the end of the night with no issues. Sitting in my truck, I counted my tips for the night.

"230, 235, 242," I counted out loud breathing a deep sigh of relief. I was making enough to cover rent, and extra. The money really showed me that working at this shithole was worth it sometimes.

I started my car and drove back to the house. This was the first time I was making it home before 1 a.m on a weekend. Might spoil myself and take a long shower, maybe a face mask. Might finally unpack the dozen boxes sitting on my floor.

I pulled up the the entrance of the trailer park, slowly driving in making it down the gravel path to my trailer. The lights were completely off, so I assumed Zahra was asleep. Across from mine, Ignacio's trailer was fully lit, he was definitely awake. Parking my car, I bounded up my stairs not failing to notice how quiet my house was. Zahra kept the TV on every night because she couldn't sleep if it was quiet. The TV was off. I wrinkled my eyebrows in confusion as I reached for the handle of my door only to realize, the door was already open.

"What the fuck?" I exclaimed out loud. I opened the door and stepped into my living room. "Zahra!", I screamed but I knew there would be no answer.

The house looked like a tornado had run through it, boxes all over the place, my entire kitchen trashed. The table in the center was smashed to pieces. There was obviously a struggle and more.

"Zahra!," I screamed over and over again falling to my knees grabbing a my own throat because I couldn't get a breath in. I kept screaming her name, my eyes clouding because of the tears in my way.

"Camilla, why the fuck are you..." Ignacio cut himself off as he ran into my house after hearing my screams. Hell, the whole neighbourhood probably heard me. My father, in NYC could have heard me.

"What the fuck happened?" he asked me but I couldn't get a grip. I was heaving deep breaths into my lungs my face in my hands. Ignacio wrapped his warm body around mine and lifted me up so I could face him.

"Milla, what happened?" he asked again only softer this time.

"Where is Zahra?" I whispered almost inaudibly but Ignacio just looked confused. "Where is Zahra?" I repeated.

Ignacio had met Zahra after I brought her home the first time, and they instantly bonded over their love of grilled cheese and board games which they would play when I was at work, usually like today.

"Where is Zahra?"

"She was supposed to be here, I left over a couple hours ago," he said.

"Someone took her. Someone took her I'm so sure of it," I said growing less scared and more angry.

"Why would someone trash your house and take Zahra? That doesn't make sense," Ignacio exclaimed.

"Because I underestimate someone's capability in making calculating moves," I answered.

"What are you-", Ignacio cut himself off. "Turn around Camilla."

He was staring behind me at my door and I turned around. Spray painted in red across the back of my door and the wall of my kitchen read two words.

"Hell's Angels."


Another great update because I'm on a roll :)))

Please leave edits I need to make cause I suck at proofreading !!!!

Thanks so much for reading and don't forget to like, comment, and VOTE!!!


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