Chapter 9: A Power Move

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After my grandmother made her final statements, she left our home in her Cadillac SUV, leaving only a trail of smoke and dust as her chauffer peeled out of the park.

"Well I have plans today," my sister exclaimed as the house was silent.

I looked up at her, "With who?"


"How about some names, or an address?"

"Milla, I'm not ten years old anymore. I'm fifteen and you are not my mom," she huffed getting up from the table face filled with attitude.

I gave her one look and she sat back down with a frown on her face.

"Fine, but you're gonna kill me," she muttered as I motioned for her to go on. "So you know the other night, in the warehouse, with those boys?"

"You mean when they kidnapped you from the house?" I asked.

"Uh, yes same day. Well I had a lot of time to myself at the warehouse and I talked to one of them. He was really nice Milla I swear," she continued avoiding eye contact and twiddling her thumbs.

"Zahra, are you fucking crazy? They are gang members. What part of that don't you get?

"So are you Milla. So is Dad. Everyone around me is involved in something shady and I'm not doing anything wrong by talking to him," she finished.

"Talking to who, Zahra?"

"Sam," she said avoiding my stare and now counting the kitchen tiles.

"ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE, Zahra?," I yelled so loud that the neighbours definitely heard me. "What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Sam drugged me, and he kidnapped you. He is dangerous and if he comes near you I swear to god I will strangle him. You know I will."

"Milla, it's not fair! Why do I always have to listen to you?," she screeched back.

"Because you are a fucking idiot," I answered back and she screamed.

Nothing understandable just a long yell. I rolled my eyes at her and began getting ready for another shift at work.

"I'm getting you a guard dog," I said in between putting on a shirt and dialing Ignacio's number as Zahra gave me a quizzical look.

Ignacio answered after the first ring.

"Can you watch Zahra tonight, she thinks she's old enough for gang members so I'm letting her hang with you?"

"Yeah sure, I'll keep Sam away from her," he chuckled.

"How did you know that?"

"Know what?"

"That I was talking about Sam."

"Sam has a big mouth. I heard him talking about her today at the bar."

"Igancio, I will kill him. I swear to god I will do it," I growled into the phone as Zahra decided to recount the floor tiles.

"Don't worry Milla, I'll get to him first," Ignacio laughed. "I'll be over in 5."

After Ignacio came over to watch Zahra I went off to another late night shift at the bar with my eyes peeled for any sign of Sam, Jack or the rest of his gang.

After a few hours of cleaning and I see my favorite group of people enter the bar. Jack, looking sexy as ever, Sam, and the rest of the lot take their regular seat.

"Your boyfriend is here," Kathy laughs beside me and I bump her with my hip.

I can't help but notice how delicious he looks, and how much he pisses me off. He looks up right at me and smirks but I roll my eyes and get back to work. I can let him bother me later. I started setting goals for myself every night to up my tips and Jack was not about to distract me from my bag. But my brain had other ideas as my eyes landed on Sam.

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