Chapter 14:

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Comment good title names!! If I pick yours Ill dedicate the next chapter to you xoxo

I arrived outside Hell's Angels base at 10 pm, almost an hour late to my sister's birthday party. I pulled down the edges of my short silver dress as I hopped out of my parked truck. There were dozens of expensive cars parked up and down the street. I spied Jack's own car parked right outside his garage. I climbed the entrance way steps in my only pair of heels, wincing as they rubbed uncomfortably against my toes. I should've bought sneakers. Standing at the door were two security guards heavily armed.

"Name," stated the one with a clipboard in his hands, towering at least two feet over me in neight.

"Camilla," I said back as the second bouncer looked me up and down.

"Announce all weapons," he said after.

"I don't carry a piece," I said back as the bouncer nodded and let me into the mansion.

I hadn't spoken to Jack since we had argued earlier and I had overstepped my boundaries and I knew I was in the wrong. I planned to apologize to him as soon as I found him, which was not something I usually did, if ever.

I strolled out of the giant foyer and into the next room. Instantly, I was hit with the smell of marijuana, alcohol, and lots of perfume. Looking around the room there were many people I didn't recognize with young girls hanging off their arms in skimpy dresses, worse than mine. Mine was pretty exposing, with the open back and cut finishing at my mid thigh. My sister stood to the side hand in hand with Sam as I bounded over to her to say my piece.

"Wow Milla, only an hour late," she laughed at me as Sam just nodded in my direction like the oaf he was.

"Shut up, birthday girl it's not everyday you turn sixteen," I said giving her a tight hug. "Enjoy this."

She opened up the small box I shoved in her hands. Inside it was a tiny diamond ring, with our last name engraved on the inside.

"No matter what our father thinks, blood will always be thicker than water. I just needed a way to remind you," I said as she gave me a hug to thank me.

"Anyway, where's Jack?," I asked, looking around the room.

"Well, uh, Milla. He's with..." Milla started to say but cut herself off as my eyes located Jack sitting on a couch with two beautiful blonde girls in his lap.

And that's when I realized I looked like the dumbest person in the room. I gave Jack the benefit of the doubt thinking maybe just maybe he wouldn't be like everyone else, but as usual I was wrong. He's worse than everyone else.

He lifted his head up and met my eyes, as I maintained eye contact with him. A giant smirk spread across his sculpted face as he whispered something into one of the girl's ears, not breaking eye contact with me.

"He's a pig, Milla," Zahra said out loud her eyes narrowing at Jack as she gave him a face.

"That's none of my business," I said swallowing back the lump in my throat as my heart plummeted into my stomach.

Even though he was nothing to me but a business partner, seeing him with other girls made me feel some type of way, and not in a good way. Turning away from Jack's face, I grabbed the nearest glass of champagne and brought it to my lips chugging the entire glass. Alcohol was the only way I would make it through the night, regardless I had a job to do and it had nothing to do with watching Jack play with girls.

Venturing through the party, I was introduced to many people who played different parts in the gang, and nearby allied gangs. Once everyone heard that Jack was throwing a birthday party for the youngest daughter of James Richard, everyone had to see his newfound prizes.

"Camilla, you are looking so good tonight," said someone behind me as I quickly recognized Leo's voice.

I turned around and leaned in for a quick hug, and when I let go his hand remained around my small waist. Normally, I would've shrugged him off but Jack was staring at me across the room, the blonde in his lap playing with his hair, kissing his neck every few seconds. That was my neck, but I had no rights to his ownership so I just decided to play his game. I knew I could play it better anyway, I had once been heartless. Throughout the night I let Leo flirt with me and place his hand on my thigh as I absentmindedly listened to his conversations with other members.

"Aren't you supposed to be sitting on Jack's lap and not that blonde," said one of the men Leo was speaking to as he pointed at Jack.

"Excuse me?," I asked him finally paying attention to the nonsense spurring from his mouth.

"You're his girl aren't you?," he asked again, bringing attention to Leo's hand on my thigh.

"I am nobody's girl," I hissed pushing Leo's hand off me. "Excuse me."

I left the table before anyone else could say another thing about my "ownership". Why is it that since I was a girl someone had to have some predatory claim over me. My thinking may be hypocritical because I wanted Jack to be mine, but no one ever speaks about someone owning a man, just a woman, more importantly people only spoke of my ownership. First I was my father's and now I am Jack's, and I hated it. Without me Jack wouldn't have even half the resources he does now.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a new group of men arriving in the foyer, men I recognized. It was Tom Collins, my father's second in command, and my old flame. He was with his second, Landon Tanner, and three other men I recognized in passing. I watched Jack get up and greet the men with a big smile on his face, as Tom looked past his shoulder and directly at me. I was shocked that the men who ordered a kill order on my sister and I were standing in Jack's living room acting as if Jack was his best friend. Was I being betrayed? My quick mind activated as I slipped out of the living room in search of Zahra. As I turned the corner, someone grabbed my hand and pulled me back into him. I was engulfed in a familiar smell, as his lips came close to my ear.

"Relax Milla, it's just me," Jack whispered into my ear.

I ripped myself from his grasp and turned to him my eyes blazing in anger.

"What the fuck is going on, Jack? What the hell is Tom doing here?," I whispered angrily.

"Come, I'll explain everything. You have a job to do," he said. "Finally, putting your prized skills to use, hopefully you haven't lost your touch."

He pulled me into a nearby room where Sam and a few others from the gang stood already waiting. It was Jack's office.

"You are all probably wondering what they are doing here, but believe me it's for a great learning activity," Jack smirked. "Tonight, Tom Collins will die, and the war begins."

My eyes widened in shock. "Jack, are you fucking insane?", I screeched.

"Not at all, lets see how good you really are at baiting," he smirked at me.

World War 3 has officially begun, and I prayed we weren't on the losing side. 


hi guys,

I've been seriously going through it. January 2020 has been a fucking mess. So its taken me a bit longer to get into writing bc Ive been focusing on my mental health and not tryna die out here. My life has been a mess. But on the bright side I think I found my literal soulmate but he hates me HAHAH but its fine, I have plans to marry him as soon as mf possible because I cannot lose this person. The feeling of knowing there is someone out there that completes my sentences and thinks exactly the same way I do, its fucking insane. Anyway, pray for me my hunnies <3

Vote, Share, Comment, Bully me!!!

Love you all endlessly, 

Leena <3333

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