Chapter 15: Who makes you feel hard to love

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After a brief meeting with Jack, he let all of us back into the party.

"Milla, do you understand what you have to do?," he asked, holding me back as everyone left the room.

"Flirt with Tom, get him alone and you come in and kill him. Then I assume you'll send his head to my father as a message," I said absentmindedly more worried about the fact that I had to kill my first love.

"Milla, he was ordered to kill you first, you have to remember that," I said in my head. But still I could remember his soft kisses and supportive nods when I was on the job, no one had been there to protect me like he had. But he also betrayed me and was loyal to only my father, I was naive enough to believe that I could be more important but as usual my father was King and I was his pawn to toy with.

"Good girl," Jack said back to me with his signature smirk playing on his lips, but it no longer amused me. It just reminded me of death. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

When I was a baiter, the reason I was so good at my job was because I could dissociate from my emotions and go cold. Suddenly, these men that I was trapping were not men but toys for me to play with and I would tell myself they didn't have a real life, that they had no families to come home to. They were irrelevant. But now as I thought to myself, Who was I to do God's work? It shouldn't be up to me who lives and who dies. But it was never actually up to me, I was given a job and I had to do it, no matter what. I felt like here with Tom, I had a choice. Kill Tom and put Jack on top, knocking my Father out of the running or I could go on the run again, as far from here as possible but risk being killed in the process. Well, there was a possibility of dying either way. Option 1 protected Zara and I, while Option 2 would set two very powerful gangs on my back. I decided I didn't like either option and it was time I started making the ultimate decisions. I was tired of being a pawn in someone's turf war. This started with me so it should end with me and that meant I get to decide who dies, when, and how. I gave Jack a final look and left the room in search of Tom Collins.

Good thing I didn't have to go far because he was slinging back beer in the large kitchen with a girl hanging off his arm while he was listening to Landon yap with his large mouth. As I approached the kitchen table lined with an assortment of drinks, I saw his eyes leave Landon and follow me as I moved, still tracing them over my body as I assume he imagined me naked. I grabbed an olive off the table and turned to face him from across the table. His eyes studied mine, as I seductively pushed the green orb into my mouth, letting my finger rest in my mouth for a second longer before biting my lip and closing my mouth. I could tell I had gotten his attention, because his jaw flexed as the muscles in his face tensed. He tried to remain relaxed but I knew all about the effect I had on him, or maybe he was just intimidated by me, which was highly doubtful at this point since he had the advantage. He knew exactly how I baited and he would not fall for me as easily as I would like him to. But I loved the challenge, it gave me an adrenaline rush that you couldn't get from anything else.

I swiped a glass of champagne off the counter and brought it to my lips, pretending to take a sip. I couldn't be intoxicated when I needed to have a clear head. Jack was not going to be the one to kill Tom, it would be me. I turned my back to Tom, and plunged my hand deep into my clutch, in search of two tiny pills. Retrieving them, I held them enclosed in my hand and let the baiting continue. After mere seconds of batting my eyelashes at Tom, and pouting from my side of the kitchen table, he finally shook of his blonde and excused himself from Landon, his eyes not leaving mine as he sauntered up to me.

"Camilla," he said dragging out the ending of my name. "Camilla, Camilla, Camilla what do we have here?"

"Hello, Tom it is such a pleasure to see you again," I answered sarcastically yet still batting my eyelashes innocently.

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