Chapter 24: Two Player Game

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Word Count: 1.9k

--------------A few days later------------

Michael's Point Of View

Michael hadn't seen much of Jeremy ever since he accused Y/N of being squipped.

His life didn't feel right without him in it. 

So... One afternoon he summoned up the courage to call Jeremy.


"Hi Jeremy. Listen, I- Uh... I just wanted to know if- If you would wanna hangout tonight? Play some Apocalypse of the Damned?" Michael said.

"No." Jeremy answered coldly.

"Why not? We've hardly talked in days and I miss you." 

"'Why?' You seriously need to ask me that question, Michael? Wow. You're even more naive and oblivious than I thought." He paused. Michael was speechless. "You're a loser. And you came after my girlfriend for no reason!"

"Jeremy- I'm telling you, that's not Y/N!" 

"Shut up Michael! I'm done with this."

"Done with what? Me?"

"Yes, you. You're nothing but a failure in a hoodie." Jeremy's words lingered. "Goodbye Michael."

"Wait, Jeremy, no!" Michael yelled into the phone, but Jeremy had already hung up.

Michael was devastated. Tears forming in his eyes. His head was down in his hands, causing his favorite red hoodie to get wet from his tears.

Michael thought about what Jeremy had said and ripped off his hoodie and threw it across the room in anger and frustration. 

He felt heart broken. His one and only best friend had abandoned him, betrayed him... Hurt him.

He sat down on the couch and continued to cry. 

Sometimes you just need to let it out. It's hard to keep going and constantly push through the pain. Michael needed a moment. 

He couldn't think straight with the words that Jeremy said to him repeating on a loop in his head. 

How could he say something like that?

What'd Y/N do to him?


Michael had to confront Jeremy and talk to him face-to-face. Maybe that would get him to talk.

Jeremy opened the door. "Michael."

"Jeremy. Please listen to me."

"I'm done listening to you Michael. Just leave me alone. I don't want you in my life! You're pathetic!" 

The hateful words hit him with a hard blow but he had to stay strong.

"This isn't you. Y/N's done something to you. I know she has. There's no other explanation."

"Just accept it, Michael. You're alone. You're nothing but a pathetic loser." Jeremy said harshly.

"Are you hearing yourself? Can't you see? You don't even sound like yourself right now Jeremy."

"Get out of here Michael."

"No. I'm not gonna leave you."

"I said LEAVE!"


Jeremy punched Michael in the face, causing his lip to split open.

"Stay away from me!" He yelled as he slammed the door in Michael's face.

GAME OVER (Jeremy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now