Chapter 10: Wait. No.

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Word Count: 1k

Jeremy's Point Of View

Jeremy's eyes were now permanently blue, with circuit like veins shooting from below his eyes and coursing up his neck.

He waltzed back over to Michael and ripped the duct tape from his face. "I'm going to kick your ass! What'd you do to my best friend?!"

"Jeremy or Y/N? You see, because, I didn't do anything to Jeremy... He just gave up. He stopped fighting. He gave in. He caved. And Y/N, well... That I did play a part in. I'm not gonna lie."

"All you do is lie!" Michael yelled.

"Here's something that is very true... Jeremy is gone. This body, this vessel is mine now. He's completely mine. Jeremy came to see things my way and now..." Jeremy punched Michael across the face three times, causing his lip to split open, blood running down his chin. "There's no crying, complaining voice resisting me. It's just me now."

"No. I don't believe you." Michael said, more hoping it than actually thinking it.

"Believe what you want. It doesn't make the truth false."

Reader's Point Of View

I crashed through the door, making a rather loud and grand entrance onto the stage.

I had 2 2-liter bottles of Mountain Dew Red and a syringe full of it just in case.

"Y/N, how lovely of you to stop by. Thank you so much by the way. None of this would've been possible without you. That was quite a performance back there." Jeremy said.

"You drugged me! Manipulated me!" I yelled.

"Listen honey, I don't care about the logistics. You were just a pawn. But now I have what I want. I have Jeremy. And soon enough I'll wake him up and send him into a torturous Hell of my own creation."


"Yes. It's going to happen Y/N. The damage has been done. There's no going back now."

I held up my bottle. "You really think that's gonna shut me down?"

"No, but I have to try something." I said. I had more up my sleeve, he just didn't know it yet. Because inside my back pocket was the transition processor. All I had to do was link him to someone else and make the transfer. Then Jeremy will be free.

I dropped a sewing needle next to Michael's hands so he could use it to cut himself free while I handled Jeremy for the time being.

We began to fist fight, which wasn't a good idea in retrospect. Jeremy by himself I could win against, a squipped Jeremy was significantly stronger than I had anticipated. Within a few punches he threw me across to the other side of the room.

Michael got up as Oliver and Vanessa entered the room. 

Michael immediately grabbed one of the bottles and tackled Oliver. 

Vanessa started to go after him, so I jumped her and threw her to the ground. My adrenaline and emotions giving me more strength. Once I had pinned her to the floor I punched her across the face multiple times. She struggled against me. 

I heard a scream come from my left. It was Oliver. Michael must've gotten the Mountain Dew Red to him. 

Michael went to Jeremy to distract him.

I finally was able to knock Vanessa out. 

I pulled the transition processor from my bag and attached the necessary parts to Vanessa. All that was left was to connect it to Jeremy and press the button.

Michael was losing the fight against Jeremy. He was being held up by his throat. I kicked Jeremy's legs out from under him causing him to fall. I immediately sat on top of him. Michael grabbed the zip ties and confined his hands. 

He kept fighting and bucking and struggling to get away. 

Michael helped me hold him down while I connected him to the device. All that was left now was to push the button.

"Y/N, wait! You don't even know if this will work. For all you know this could kill me." Jeremy said.

"That's a risk I know that Jeremy would want us to take. Because where he is now isn't living." I spat.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him. "Y/N." He looked directly at me and I him. I don't know what it was but I couldn't look away. Everything around him blurred until he was the only thing in focus. I could hear Michael yelling in the background at me to press the button, but his voice was muffled, only background noise to me. "Y/N, this is me we're talking about. You love me. Don't do this to me." His voice reverberated in my head echoing smoothly and softly in a coercive manner. I tried to force myself to blink to snap out of it, but I couldn't. How powerful had the SQUIP gotten if he could influence me this strongly just by being next to him? I don't even have one, he's not in me, yet I could feel his power overcoming me.

All of a sudden I felt a hand rip the device from my hands. It was Michael. He pressed the button and the transfer began. Once it had, Jeremy closed his eyes and I was able to return to reality once again. 

"Oh my god, Michael. I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened to me." I apologized.

"It's okay, Y/N. It's not your fault." He said.

"Did you not feel any of that?" I asked.


What the hell was that?

Jeremy and Vanessa both began to scream in agony as the process came towards its end. 

Both of them were left unconscious. 

I looked up at Michael. "Do you think it worked?"

"I don't know. All we can do now is wait and hope for the best." 

"Let's get Jeremy out of here. I don't wanna be around Vanessa if the SQUIP's main consciousness made the transfer to her."

Michael picked up Jeremy in his arms and we exited the theater.

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