Chapter 30: Who Deserves What

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Word Count: 698

Michael's Point Of View

Y/N lay in a hospital bed, unconscious. Michael and Jeremy sat bedside, listening to her heart monitor, praying that she would wake up.

"Why'd you do it?" Jeremy said, looking up at Michael.

"I didn't want to, Jeremy. I couldn't control myself. You think I wanted to stab her?"

"No. I mean, why'd you give yourself up to him like that? I don't understand."

"I did it for you guys."

"We didn't ask you to."

"Jeremy. I just wanted you and Y/N to be happy together. She deserved to have her memories."

"But that doesn't mean that you deserve to lose your free will. Look, Michael, I appreciate

what you did, but that doesn't make it right. You can't ever do that again."

"Me?" Michael felt a sudden jolt of rage. "Who's the one who had the whole school's free will taken away, just to be with a girl? A girl that moved away and left you for some theatre guy in the city. Who's the one who completely abandoned their best friend because they wanted to be popular? You left me! Alone! I had no one! Do you understand that, Jeremy?! Through all of this you've always had someone, whether it was Y/N, me, or Rich, you always had someone. I never did. I was never provided that luxury. I had to save your ass from ending all of mankind. Do you have any idea how selfish you were?! You tore me apart and left me to die!"

Michael tried to calm down, but something inside of him was driving his emotions.

"I almost ended my own life because of you! You were my best friend, my only friend and you made me feel worthless. You told me that I didn't matter. You called me a fucking loser, Jeremy! So I'm so sorry for trying to save your selfish ass once again. 'Cause if there's one thing I've never been is selfish! I've only ever done things to help you and Y/N. If I were selfish, I would've let Y/N forget about you completely and gone out with her myself."

"Fuck you man! How dare you bring up last year?! We already talked about everything, why're you bringing it up again? What's wrong with you?"

Silence filled the room. Michael was raging.

"Maybe it's the SQUIP. Are you sure it's deactivated?" Jeremy asked, worried about his best friend.

"Yes, it's deactivated! I'm fine!" Michael yelled as he stormed out of the room.

What the hell is happening to me?

Are you still active inside me?



There was no response.

"Fuck you SQUIP! You made me like this!" Michael was screaming at himself in the bathroom mirror. "Fuck you! FuCk YoU! FUCK YOU!" He threw his arm forward and smashed the mirror, sending little shards into his hands and forearm.

"Ah! FUCK!"

He went out into the hallway and found a nurse's cart and grabbed some gauze from it.

For some reason he didn't seek the medical attention he needed. Instead he just pulled out the larger pieces he could see and wrapped it up.

Blood was seeping through the bandages.

He stared at himself in the half shattered mirror and then back at his injury.

Water began to pool in his eyes, as they turned a little red.

He backed up against the wall and lowered the floor, cowering in a squatted position.

He began to sob.

"What's wrong with me?" He said. "I- I- I don't understand."

Everything is wrong with you.




"Stop hiding. Show yourself, you pussy!" He yelled as he looked around.


"I want your help."

A light of blue flashed in his eyes very quickly.

"I knew it!" Michael yelled.

So you've finally come to your senses?

I want Y/N. I don't care what I have to do.

You're right. Jeremy doesn't deserve her. I do.


Of course I'll help you... That is what I'm here for after all.

Why- Why did I hate you?

You just didn't understand me before, but now you do.

Yeah. I do.

A bright blue sheen shimmered over Michael's eyes.

To be continued...

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