Chapter 1

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I quickly glanced over the dining room and made sure everything was in place. The forks, knives, and spoons all lay in their right spots beside the plates. The table cloth wasn't crooked and the chairs were pushed in. I let out a sigh of relief and went to my living room, taking a seat on a chair.

Today, some high military commanders and governors would be having dinner at my house. Despite me not being a governor, I am second in command of the Military Police.

I had sworn to serve the god awful pig we call our King. Clearly my number 1 regret.

Who would have known the Military Police are all so disgusting? I should have just joined the garrison instead of letting Nile persuade me into joining this madhouse.

I place a hand on my forehead and roll my eyes. I can't blame Nile, I was clearly the idiot here.

Actually, I can blame Nile!

It's because of him we are having this irrelevant meeting at my house. He's such a Wall Fucker. I'm so glad he knows how to keep his distance.

I jump up when I hear a knock on my door. I quickly make my way to the hallway and fix my jacket before opening the door.

I'm greeted by the General of the three Corps; Darius Zackly, the Commander of the Military Police; Nile Dok, and 2 ugly ass men that clearly identify themselves as "Rich Fucks".

"Good afternoon, Eve. It's nice to see you out of the HQ." Nile smiles and enters my house. I hand them all a half-smile and nod at Zackly.

Zackly is my favorite. We bond over our hatred for the disgusting MPs. Disincluding me, of course.

"Has anyone else arrived?" Zackly asks.

"No, not yet." I shake my head and lead them into the dining room. Zackly takes a seat at the top of the table and the rest sit around.

"You are acting quite informal." I glare at Nile. He's smiling like an idiot, and it's putting me off.

"Oh, my apologies. I'm just excited to be in your house and eat your food." He tilts his head and stares at me.

I scoff and look away. My food, my ass. As if I would cook for this. Nile doesn't know how much money I put into this rubbish meeting.

The 2 "Rich Fucks" indulge themselves in a conversation about merchants, while I sit and cross my arms.

"Can you refrain from being your usual antisocial self? I know you don't like your current position with all of us men, but try not to be rude." Nile leans across the table and whispers to me.

I glare at him before replying, "I swear if anyone so much as brushes a fing-" I'm cut off when I hear another knock on the door. I hand Nile a fake smile and head over to open the door.

I come face to face with a lady who's grinning from ear to ear in a Survey Corps uniform.

"Hello..?" I begin and open the door widely.

"Hi. Hi. Hello! I'm Hange Zoe. Section Commander of the Survey Corps!" She extends and hand and I shake on it. I hand her another fake smile and gesture to where the dining room is. I look out the door and notice the remaining people arriving.

"Hello, Eve Hamilton. It is nice to see you again." Erwin walks inside first and hands me a smile. I take a step back away from him and I do the same. Another man walks in and just glances at me, not saying anything.

I don't complain because that's just less communicating for me.

Pixis and a few more Garrison soldiers enter, with only Pixis actually greeting me. I nod at him and walk back into the dining room, where nearly everyone is seated. I take my seat and glance around the table, noticing a few people I don't know. Most of them being from the Garrison and the unsocial male from the Survey Corps.

Zackly stands up and everyone joins him and salutes.

"Today, we gather under Eve Hamilton's roof to discuss current affairs.

Today joining us we have, me, Darius Zackly, Commander of the Military Police; Nile Dok, Second in Command of the Military Police; Eve Hamilton, Head of Finance; Gunther Mew, Head of Taxes; Edwurd Stag, Commander of the Garrison; Dot Pixis, Squad Leader of the Garrison; Rico Brzenska, Squad Leader of the Garrison; Mitabi Jarnach, Commander of the Survey Corps; Erwin Smith, Section Commander of the Survey Corps; Hange Zoe, Squad Captain of the Survey Corps; Levi.

Please refrain from offending your fellow soldiers and feel free to express your opinions without judgment. May we commence." Zackly finishes and suddenly we hear the front door open. Everyone looks over to me, expecting a reason for why the door just opened.

"The chef." I quickly explain. A few nod my way and then look at Zackly. I glance over everyone here and my green eyes land on a gray pair, that seems to be staring at mine.

Squad Captain of the Survey Corps, Levi, I think. No surname specified because that's totally not weird.

I stare right back at him for a while and then look away.

What a creep.

"So we succeeded in retaking Trost. That doesn't mean we should trust the boy." One of the Rich Fucks says. I sigh noticing we are back on this conversation.

"I agree." I add. The Survey Corps train their eyes on me and I nearly quake under the look they are all giving me.

"You agree?" Levi asks.

"Yes, I agree." I state and glance over at him.

"You think we should cut him up?" He asks again.

"No. I think we should leave him be. He's in the Survey Corps, he's bound to die sooner or later." I retort.

"What do you mean by that?" He questions further. I glare at him then roll my eyes.

"Exactly what I said. What do you think I mean?" I ask. He glares at me and makes no comment.


"We can't just leave him." Nile adds.

"Ban him from turning. Keep him under close watch. Kill him if he turns or arrest him if he threatens to do so." I shrug my shoulders.

"What if he proves to be useful?" Erwin narrows his eyes at me.

"How can he possibly prove to you he's useful? He blocked the hole in Trost, yes. But he could have just done it because everyone had seen him turn already." I reply.

"That's true." Zackly adds and nods.

"To the pure, everything is pure. Only evil can come up with the worst possible scenarios." Levi says, suddenly staring at me again.

"What is your point? I'm evil?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Yes." Levi's expression turns into a dead stare.

"Well, you son of a-" I begin but Nile cuts me off.

"I think Eve is just trying to come up with the worst possible outcomes to know if we can combat all of them. There's obviously no way for that boy to practice turning without being caught, even Eve knows that. But we cannot forget the fact that Titans are our enemies. And this boy is a Titan. He could help us get a step closer to discovering the true identity of the Titans. I suggest we should cut him up and see if his internals are the same as a normal person's. We should also collect his blood and other bodily fluids to see if they are special in any way." Nile gives me a hard look before turning away.

"I'm going to check on the chef." I mutter and stand up while the others start arguing about the poor boy's faith. I stand up but not without throwing a side glare at Captain Levi. I notice his expression is blank so I look away and head in the direction of the kitchen.

Once inside, I see Myra moving around the kitchen doing different tasks at the same time. I notice she already has our first drinks ready, glasses of red wine. I walk over to a cupboard and take out a cup. I fill it with the remaining red wine left in a bottle and gulp it all down. I let out a sigh of contempt.

"Oh! Eve. I didn't see you there." Myra hands me a small smile and then turns away. I turnaround and face her, starting to walk in her direction when I suddenly feel something gripping my shoulder tightly.

Phobia - A Levi x Original Character StoryWhere stories live. Discover now