Chapter 23

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I stare at the man ahead of me with wide eyes, it's one of Leon's 'secretaries'. "Um," I clear my throat, "I wanted to get a closer look. Also, the baby was crying."

"Yeah? Sure." He goes to grab my arm but I dodge it, staring at him warily, "Follow me."

"Where?" I ask and he reaches for me again. I dodge and take a step back.

"Damn. Fuck it." He growls, "Just follow me back upstairs." He pulls out several keys and locks the cell with one of them. I notice this immediately and drop the small pin I used to unlock it earlier onto the floor before nudging it with my foot into the cell, before looking away. In my peripheral vision, I see the woman inside stare at me. I subtly nod at her before looking up. I stare at the man as he starts to retrace his steps. I sigh and start to follow behind.

"Fuck." The man curses and I'm brought out of a trance. I look up and notice we are already in the VIP room, but a very empty VIP room. I suddenly furrow my eyebrows in confusion and glance around, searching for Levi. "Let's go back down."

"Where are they?" I ask. I feel anxiety fill up in my as I wonder if Levi will be able to handle himself wherever he is.

"You think I know?" He snarls and I sulk, sticking out my lower lip.

This guy has anger issues.

"Hmpf." He starts and looks away, "I'm sorry about that. Follow me again."

Forget anger issues, he is bipolar.

We start to make out way back down the stairs as I try to decipher the man ahead of me. What does he want to do with me? I wrap my arms around myself in an attempt to comfort myself.

"Are you cold?" He suddenly asks and I nod with a frown. Obvious lie. "Can't do anything about that." He chuckles. I clench my fist and relax, putting on a smile instead of slapping the guy.

I assume we are going back to the cells but instead the man turns left into a room. I follow warily and when I get inside I understand exactly what is going on and I sigh. Inside is a single metal pole extending out of the back wall and a wardrobe. I see on the floor there is rope as well.

"What are you doing with me?" I ask, feigning ignorance.

"Don't worry much," He says and gestures for me to enter the room, "Just keeping you here for a short time." I nod, debating internally if I should let myself be tied up or not.

"Raise your hands up?" He asks and I internally decide getting tied up isn't a big issue.

"Why?" I innocently ask while raising them up regardless.

"Normal procedure." He grabs the rope and walks towards me. I take a deep breath accepting what is about to happen and mentally prepare myself for it. He wraps the rope and my wrists and moves me towards the pole. He attaches the rope to the pole and ties several knots before stepping back and staring at his handiwork.

"I'll be back in a few." He waves me off and leaves.


Maybe this wasn't a great decision.

I fumble around a bit, trying to see how loose the rope is, but I'm harshly informed that the rope is really tight when I feel my wrist burn. I frown and am about to give up when I hear distant footsteps.

"Hello?" I call out. The footsteps start to get louder and I call out again, "Hello?"

"Ernst?" I say and take my chance, biting my lip and looking down because Levi is nowhere near me right now.

"What the fuck?" I suddenly hear a familiar voice and I chuckle. When I look up, I see Levi standing by the doorway, staring at me with wide eyes.

"Well. There's kind of been a change of plans." I clear my throat, "Forget what we spoke about earlier, everything is going down today. I got caught opening a cell."

"Why the fuck were you opening a cell?" Levi asks, clearly confused, "Walls."

"No time to explain. We need t-" I suddenly pause and glance towards the door.

"What?" Levi asks and I lift one of my fingers, signalling him to shut up.


"Someone is coming. Hide!" I whisper yell.

"Wha-?" Levi starts but I cut him off.

"Get in the fucking closet." I say and gesture to it with my head, "Don't leave the closet until I tell you too." Levi sighs before opening the closet and quickly entering it. The footsteps get louder and louder until the man appears at the door.

"I tried to find Leon and your husband but they have disappeared. Tobias said they stepped out for a smoke." He starts. While he speaks, I wriggle my fingers around, trying to loosen all of them. "I guess I have to deal with you."

"How so?" I innocently ask and make eye contact with him. I feel my fingers release a little so I press down on the ring Hans gave me earlier in the week. As expected, a little blade pops out.

"Um, torture?" He says and I stare at him in horror. I start to slide the blade against the rope, moving it back and forth trying to cut myself free.

"You're not serious are you?" I deeply frown.

"Of course I am," He narrows his eyes at me and turns around, "You were caught doing something suspicious. You have to explain yourself or-" He unsheathes a blade, the noise made telling me how sharp it is.

"You can't do that!" I whine and pretend to chuckle. Suddenly he starts talking long wide strides at me and I panic. I close my eyes for a split second when I suddenly hear, "What the fuck!?" I open my eyes and they dart around, just to land on Levi throwing a punch at the man.

I roll my eyes and continue slicing at the rope. "What happened to don't come out unless I tell you too?" I ask.

"You should thank me for saving your life." Levi mutters and grabs the man by his collar. Suddenly he drops him and simultaneously kicks him across the face, a tooth flying out in the process. The man's body falls limp on the floor and Levi glances over at me, crossing his arms.

"You did say everything is going down, right?" Levi raises an eyebrow.

"I did, and I'm cutting myself free." I look up at my wrist, "Give me a second."

"Take your time." Levi sarcastically comments which results in me chuckling.

I am about to make a snarky reply when I look down and see the man holding up his blade, about to throw it at Levi. Suddenly I freeze for a split second.

'We walk into the building together, and I glance up at the blonde-haired man still smiling at me. "Where's your friend?" I innocently ask and he chuckles. I furrow my eyebrows and look ahead of me instead, only to see a girl tied up in front of a bar table. I pull away from the man's grip, "What the fuck?"

"Shut it." Someone appears and commands.

"Are you crazy? I am an MP." I say and grab my gun from my pocket, pointing it at the blonde man who brought me here, under the disguise of help.

"Shut it, or we kill the girl." The man repeats and moves over to the blonde man. The blonde man raises his arms up cheekily.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask. Instead of getting a proper reply, the blonde man whips out a knife, the sound alone letting me know how sharp it is.

"Now, you are supposed to listen to us. Let this be a lesson for you. Drop your gun or the blade goes right to her face." He raises an eyebrow at me and I sigh. I stare at the man ahead of me and slowly lower the gun. "Perfect." He says, but instantly throws the blade at the girls.

I turn around and rush to her, but not fast enough as the blade slices down her face, blood gushing out of her cheek.

"I told you this would be a lesson."'

With a single stroke, I cut the rope off my wrist and rush to Levi. I see the man throw the blade from my peripheral vision. I grab the side of Levi's head with my right arm and push him into my chest, simultaneously extending my left arm straight out, just in time as the blade slices down my arm, blooding gushing out.

I can't make the same mistake twice.

Phobia - A Levi x Original Character StoryWhere stories live. Discover now